i changed my name .... in case you were confused .....

Faige is a sexy name but this name feels safer for this site.
Apologies and explanations are unnecessary, as I was already quite confused even before you changed your name. Next time for maximum effect, you could change my name instead. That would be really disorienting. It seems to me that one's only significant risk in this incorporeal region is hurt feelings and I'll have much more to say about that once I've had my head examined, as it were. Of course that assumes I can find it; I'm always losing the darn thing. Better leave it at that before I start to get silly. I hope you're well.
I like your new name. And I like the new profile pic too! Hope things are good on your end...
This afternoon at the BART station, the young man who I wouldn't give my number to twice informed me that when chicks twirl their hair it means they're "you know ... horny ...".
I am officially setting the record straight- this rumor is FALSE!
thanks for the testimonial... you know I really do like your comments i hope you know that... smile
You certainly don't need validation, but you're welcome smile
I'm done being mad. I was in a really bad mood this afternoon. All day. Mars must be doing something strange. I think it is.
Glad that happy Faige is back. biggrin
Thank you for the great comments. tongue Sorry sg ate them, i bet they were good.
I don't want to perpetuate drama in the Hopefuls group, so I'm voicing my opinion here. This comment was made to one of the girls this afternoon:

MAR 27, 2008 12:39 PM
RubberSoul said:
Honey, I hope you realize your role on this site is to provide laughs to the paying customers.

I guess that this member is valued by the inner SG circle cause...
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Sad to say, it's the nature of our brain to require 20 to 30 joys to equal the impact of a single hurt. We can assume that in pre-historic times any bad outcome could easily be fatal, so we take them far more to heart than today's typical hurts actually justify. While many people crave the opportunity to feel superior for a few moments to anyone they can ridicule in their sophomoric, if not downright infantile fashion, we have the option of recognizing their motivation and ignoring them. It's easier to say than to do at first but small, insecure and abusive people will always be with us, so lots of practice may be had all too easily.

That said, I still don't think it should be tolerated here.
It seems to me- in the back of my mind that he said something rude and pointless to me at one point...and at the time it meant something....but doesn't now....just ignore it...those who have something bad to say very rarely have anything to say that anyone cares to hear....
Thanks everyone who sent me love on my birthday!
For those of you who didn't, no worries, I will be observing it for 27 more days.
Friday night was a full moon. My housemates and I had a wonderful party, complete with live music and lots of food and all of my favorite people in the east bay. I ate a mushroom and played the...
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thank you for commenting on my self shot set recently. i'm going to check out your submission for the march contest now!
Not a big leap of faith in your case, sweetie!

FYI, Even odd people can be cute, oddly enough. wink
Some people seem to be getting frustrated about "Hopefuls" posting sub-standard quality sets repeatedly. I think the reason this is happening (at least in my case this is true), is because many sets being submitted are for the "Most Creative Set" contest, and were not actually rejected sets. Not yet anyway.

I've said this before but I'll say it again: according to Rigel, the normal...
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I haven't even looked at your sets yet, but already I wanted to commend you on this thoughtful post. Will people think you're trying to hard for saying this? who cares? You make an excellent point that bears repeating. wink

_panda_ makes an excellent point as well. For those of us who have been around a while, it was both an exciting change, as well as a sometimes confusing barage for there to be un-edited "hopefuls". But it would be a lot to ask for SG to have to screen hopefuls before tagging them as such and making them visible.

And now for your pictures, which I'm defintiley looking forward to! love
Well, now you're just messing with me! Not only has an enigma faded into the vast stillness of a winter night but the silence has disappeared into itself! Leaving only a kiss. Sigh. . .

(that's if you don't count the laugh)

Is that which remains an enigma still?
Who will decipher this for me? Who, I prithee?

Pretentious, eh, what? kiss
Bought a new lamp today at the good will, that takes 75 watts. Then I bought an eight dollar bulb at Walgreens. All to make it as bright as possible, so that my pictures turn out well. Or better anyway. After "Buzz", I was advised to have more variation in my poses and less red-eye. After "Play", more skin and less grain. After "Bookish" more...
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Your best bet is to shoot during the day. Diffused daylight will look better and you should have less noise. Shooting when it's too dark makes the photo noisy and blurry and unfortunately, a 75w bulb just isn't enough light. Most photographers use lamps that that have around 250w-500w bulbs. Sometimes more depending on the camera settings.

Keep all the other advice in mind and I'm sure you'll come up with an awesome set.

I dig your persona. Constant movement is my mantra, stagnation is hell.
The other night I dreamt about a black cobra. It was in a house full of friends. I was the only one put off by the cobra, but apparently it wanted to sleep in my room with me. This really freaked me out. Everyone else thought it was no big deal, They liked the snake, so no one would help me get him out of...
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Thank you dear! Lovely comments like yours make the whole world seem like a glistening jewel!

At the risk of hijacking your blog, I'd say the work begun by Alfred Adler and continued by his most famous pupil, Rudolf Dreikurs and following him, a student of his, holds the keys to understanding ourselves and our fellow humans well enough to comfortably relegate dreams to the entertainment category. If pressed, I would say go with Carl Jung's dream analysis but it's a lot like paddling up the rapids and since you came from there anyway, why bother, it's all a bloody waste of time! (Now the dream police will be after me; tell them you haven't seen me.)

Bad dreams can make excellent scripts for horror movies and there's no prize for guessing who's presence would enhance an already good dream, so I shall say no more. smile
What a creepy dream. I, personally, hate snakes. I was bitten by one when I was young, luckily relatively harmless black snake. Hu8rt like hell, though.
Ralph Nader, I love you, but unless you are able to hijack the media the way front-runners must so that at least fifty percent of America loves you as much as I do, I'm not going to vote for you.
Why? Because, at its best, voting in the USA is an act of strategy, not a perfect expression of values.
Anytime you have a group...
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It's unfortunate that, as media-connected as we are, the average voter is not at all well-informed, and usually does not even vote their values so much as they vote for a personality and an image. Our media-centric society is all about the sound byte and the 15-second video clip. Therefore Edward's hair and Dean's scream become central events in the media and in our collective psyche. Whether anyone would pay attention if elections and candidates were covered in a manner similar to that of the Newshour with Jim Lehrer or NPR news is circumspect. Most prefer to be entertained than to pay any real attention to matters they already feel are beyond their understanding. A voter who casts his or her vote as part of a strategy is at least attempting to influence a political end. We should be so lucky as to have a plurality of this type of voter in the U.S. electorate.

I have simplified this entire debate into one simple statement. I will not vote for the president of the united states in America until the "electoral college" is dismantled and we institute a truly democratic election process.

What happened with G.W is just a reassurance to me that I am right and the system is broken.
you've got a great look; coupled with some good photography, you'll be unstoppable
Sounds like there are good things for you in line...

Sweet smile love love