I'd really like to do some more SG fanart, but so far I haven't really found any sets that have the kind of motion I'm looking for. If any of yous guys can think of a girl, a set, or a shot that you think would be worth drawing--or that you'd like to see drawn--point it out to me. I'm dyin', here.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 03, 2004
No more papers for this semester! I'm done! You hear me? FINISHED.… -
Tuesday Nov 30, 2004
I am so, so, so tired. I went to the nurse today and she took my blo… -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
So every year at my college they do this tree-lighting ceremony: they… -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
Booya! Kitty: Friction #29. Though I swear I didn't trace this,… -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
Did a sketch of Kitty last night. Will scan it within the next few h… -
Friday Nov 26, 2004
Have just purchased Bond's new CD. Hot, hot, HOT. I want sex with… -
Friday Nov 26, 2004
I should be writing a paper on Tennyson. I'm not. I'm writing a… -
Thursday Nov 25, 2004
Bond. So. Fucking. Hot. Must have new CD. -
Wednesday Nov 24, 2004
So tonight I showed my mom the wings I got for my Halloween costume--… -
Wednesday Nov 24, 2004
I've arrived home more or less successfully. As the story goes, what…
I have a few fan art pics too.
How about Apnea? She's a classic.