wastedyears just wrote an entry whereby he (rightfully) bemoaned the retarded misuse of various and sundry words and phrases. Then he requested more from his readers.
Here's my bit.
Stand back.
shutter // shudder -- as in, *shutters*. What, you're a window treatment, now?
definately // definetely // defanitely // any other bastardization of the word DEFINITELY. This also goes for "unfortunetely // unfortunately" or...
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Here's my bit.
Stand back.
shutter // shudder -- as in, *shutters*. What, you're a window treatment, now?
definately // definetely // defanitely // any other bastardization of the word DEFINITELY. This also goes for "unfortunetely // unfortunately" or...
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Some of this will not make sense because it was written for, and references, my LiveJournal. Most of it will not make sense because I don't make sense. I watched Lost in Translation tonight. Now I'm untranslatable.
The gates are open. Now I'm all unwords and insensibility, my head full of hollow. I cried a lot tonight. I didn't know why. Scenes in the...
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The gates are open. Now I'm all unwords and insensibility, my head full of hollow. I cried a lot tonight. I didn't know why. Scenes in the...
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not lost in translation. instead, understandable in any language. the language of the heart, a lament i sing oft times, too.

haha, I knew if anyone on here would like my last entry it would be you!
now, don't go getting too harsh

I just made a Wishlist in T-Shirt Hell, but the URL isn't taking to my profile. So I'm posting it here and then linking to this entry.
If you love me, you'll buy me t-shirts.
But I won't buy you anything.
If you love me, you'll buy me t-shirts.
But I won't buy you anything.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Cavatica. Cavatica had a car-- a white 2002 Focus ZX5. It was a lovely car-- strong, loyal, experienced. Cavatica and her Focus had gone almost 23,000 miles together. They had been everywhere--the Carolinas, Starbucks, even Canada. They had endured rain, ice, snow, rushhour, Marylanders... they had ferried her friends, gone to work, been through...
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i accept my lot in life, but i do have limits. if you tell me to bend over and take it like a man, we're gonna have to talk.

You are waaaaay cooler than I
Although I did about $10000 damage to my 2003 Mazda Protege5 last year, damn near totalled it, but she is back in effect and doing strong as we speak.....Cavatica, there is hope for your steed

I'm so goddamn sick of political agendas on this website. Every single news issue relevant to the U.S. political scene invariably just comes down to whether Bush is Satan or God.
You want to play the "Let's see how much we can generalize" game? Okay. I'll play.
Conservatives: You are a bunch of tunnelvisioned egotists whose wet dreams of blowing Tucker Carlson and painfully expensive...
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You want to play the "Let's see how much we can generalize" game? Okay. I'll play.
Conservatives: You are a bunch of tunnelvisioned egotists whose wet dreams of blowing Tucker Carlson and painfully expensive...
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what she said
except the part about the "channeling of outrage" because you are so gonna be on a watchlist now
might want to take that down forreals
the Patriot Act could so make you its bitch and you know its no fun if I don't get to watch
except the part about the "channeling of outrage" because you are so gonna be on a watchlist now

might want to take that down forreals

the Patriot Act could so make you its bitch and you know its no fun if I don't get to watch
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
That was fuckin' great! although, you shouldn't get so upset about such trivial things as politics....smoke a doob or something

Decided to come home today--well, no, "yesterday," I guess... Saturday. Not Friday. I decided to come home Saturday instead of Friday.
I'm here safely.
That is all.
I'm here safely.
That is all.
I just don't understand people like this guy. It's just creepy and gives me an all-over icky feeling.
How have you been, beautiful?
How have you been, beautiful?

Spring break!!! Woo hoo!!! Mee too!!!
Hey, when do the Cherry trees start blooming up there?

Hey, when do the Cherry trees start blooming up there?
One more thing before bed.
(You know, I only go on these poetry sprees because my best friend does. I'm so competitive.)
I don't know why this metaphor lodged itself in my brain, but it did. If only my Grammar/Language and Society professor could see me now.
...he'd probably want to know why I didn't mention anything about cake.
Synonyms from an Unqualified Logophiliac
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(You know, I only go on these poetry sprees because my best friend does. I'm so competitive.)
I don't know why this metaphor lodged itself in my brain, but it did. If only my Grammar/Language and Society professor could see me now.
...he'd probably want to know why I didn't mention anything about cake.
Synonyms from an Unqualified Logophiliac
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i like that.
My friends and I just rented and watched the movie "Quills."
Oh god.
Oh god.
Oh god, yes. Yes. Yes, oh god.
I get carried away.
Oh god.
Oh god.
Oh god, yes. Yes. Yes, oh god.
I get carried away.
Goodbye, February, you piece of shit month. You never have been short enough.
...holy shit, is it March already?
...holy shit, is it March already?
Yeah, it is, thank god.
Yeah, February is definitely a month that I would abduct in one of those creepy looking vans with the windows blacked out, pummel with phone books and sacks of objects of various hardnesses and then toss it from a moving vehicle into a ditch, leaving it to die all alone and bound with electrical tape.
The photography group assignment of the month is "Freedom."
THIS, I can do.
THIS, I can do.
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
take a pictuer of a bald eagle flying, that would be original 

Something must be done.
Also: I am delinquent. Not just as pertains to life, which I incontrovertibly--as the kids would say--lose at. <sentencefragment> But also SG. </sentencefragment>
See, I went through this period a month or so ago where I was posting in groups and threads like whoa. And then? I stopped. Ceased and desisted. No one knows why. Somewhere in the world,...
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Something must be done.
Also: I am delinquent. Not just as pertains to life, which I incontrovertibly--as the kids would say--lose at. <sentencefragment> But also SG. </sentencefragment>
See, I went through this period a month or so ago where I was posting in groups and threads like whoa. And then? I stopped. Ceased and desisted. No one knows why. Somewhere in the world,...
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And now, your brain-buster for the day.
This is a conversation Re: my posting an excerpt from the Ursula K. Le Guin story "Schrdinger's Cat" elseblog. The interlocutors consist of myself and mumeimagpie and occurred in said blog. I just couldn't let it go unshared.
MMMP: This is the most entertaining post *ever*.
I am so entertained.
Me: You suck, Megan.
MMMP: Actually, being that...
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This is a conversation Re: my posting an excerpt from the Ursula K. Le Guin story "Schrdinger's Cat" elseblog. The interlocutors consist of myself and mumeimagpie and occurred in said blog. I just couldn't let it go unshared.
MMMP: This is the most entertaining post *ever*.
I am so entertained.
Me: You suck, Megan.
MMMP: Actually, being that...
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That is awesome.
I am not the most educated person, so i learned about the Schrodinger's cat theory through the comic Leviathan. Have you ever read that? Brilliance.
[Edited on Feb 22, 2005 8:09PM]
I am not the most educated person, so i learned about the Schrodinger's cat theory through the comic Leviathan. Have you ever read that? Brilliance.
[Edited on Feb 22, 2005 8:09PM]
since we are on the "Grammar Schooling" topic.
"I before E except after C" is complete crap and WHY did they ever tell us that? It's totally foreign.
I am still seized by moments of self doubt when I try to spell "protein", and that's just weird. I wanted to have a clear conscience, I thought I would be proficient at spelling by they time I was kicked out into society after highschool.
That rule is the height of stupidity,...
There's 8 examples of exceptions to their rule.
Oh wait. 9 now.
and yeah well you just made me loose my temper
*rips pages from Webster's, wipes but, and lobs turd encrusted page's in your general direction*
[Edited on Mar 09, 2005 11:44AM]