QOTD: What has your signifigant other done in the last year that made you feel like a prince or princess?
My QOTD answer:
My bf has been back for a couple weeks now and everything is going wonderfully. I have bitched at him on occasion for little things, which is my nature, but i am working on it. Today he surprised me while i was folding clothes by cleaning and vacuuming my entire room and putting everything in its place. Then he did the same to the kitchen! And the living room! He even picked up the floor in my parents room and ran the vacuum. There is NOTHING sexier than a guy that knows how to clean at the speed of military swiftness!
Oh, and did i mention he took me for a mani / pedi AND paid for my hair to be redone to Disney standards of all over color and classicness? Well he did. Yep. I have a great boyfriend and I love him to bits.
On to a quick update...
Things are progressing with the Disney College Program, i just signed my papers and will be faxing them off this week. I will be starting as a Photo Pass Photographer right after my finals in June. I am excited and nervous and happy all at the same time. I cannot wait to start taking the classes and lecture series that Disney offers. It is a great chance to make my face known with the VPs of the company so that when i graduate, i will have a heads up for the professional internships in Burbank. See, there is this big photography archive of everything Disney in Burbank and sometimes they hire interns to help organize and run the archive.. i would really LOVE to do that!
As for regular school, i dropped my health class on M/W because my teacher was a bitch and did not have the time to accomodate my health problems. Her loss, i was a great student. However, teachers really need to stop using the "i didn't order a textbook because they cost too much for you to buy, so i am going to base the entire course on handouts" as it does not help me AT ALL. If i am sick, i miss everything. Suxorz.
Thats all for now..
Ps. It's sweet that some of you have missed me, after all , i returned for a select few people that did not know where i had gone and i wanted to keep in contact. Someone told me there are naked girls on this site!!! Is that true?? I really haven't noticed!