It's been a few days since i have posted anything here, and i thought it was time i explained what has been going on since my surgery.
Day of Surgery:
I arrived at the hospital, nervous and was informed there would be NO SEDATION. If you look anywhere on the net about a Cystoscopy with Stent, it clearly states you get sedated. But since i was at County hospital, they prefer not to sedate patients because:
1. It takes longer for each patient to recover and leave the facility
2. they do about 15 cystoscopys in a day, so faster is better
3. sedation is dangerous
4. Its cheaper to not have an anesthesiologist on hand
So they proceeded to pry into my urethra with the scope which was very painful. Then he poked around my bladder looking for the opening to my left ureter. This hurt so much, i cried and did my best to stay still. Imagine having the hole you pee out of opened up to a diameter larger than a silver dollar. It doesnt just stretch, it tears. Finally the tube was in place and he told me it was almost over and that i was doing good. He finished by pulling a thread out thru my urethra, it is attached to the stent tube, a way to get it out easier. So now i have the equivalent to a tampon string sticking out of my urethra. (yuck) and it is time to get off the table.
Once off the table i became severely dizzy from the small demoral shot i recieved and stumbled to the restroom to throw up. I coughed a few times, but nothing more. As i went to sit in the waiting room, i realized how much more pain i was in. Laying flat on my back is the only way to quell and balance the pain. So while my mom waited to fill my prescription, Dad drove me home.
Once home, i decided i needed to pee... BAD IDEA. Imagine for a moment that your kidney has been blocked for a month, and all the toxins that built up in it and toxified further are about to be expelled through a urethra that has just been medically ripped open and raped. Nothing could have prepared me for this pain. NOTHING. It felt like pissing acid, fire, burning chemicals, shards of glass and lava all at once. I screamed repeatedly. My urnitation behaved this way for another hour or so while the toxins poured out, along with blood clots. I sat in a warm bath to relieve the bladder spasms i was having, and hoped the warm water would balance out the pain, relieve it even. It did, a bit. But i had to return to the tub 4 more times that evening.
Over the last 2 days, i have been laying flat and taking mass amounts of pain killers, muscle relaxers , anti nausea meds and pyridiene to numb my bladder. Walking is just now becoming an option. I noticed last night that i have started peeing blood again. I suppose now that my kidney can drain, its just draining the same way it was bfore the stone corked it off. I had a few more blood clots this morning too. I am going to call my doctor on Monday if this is still an issue.
Anyways, now i have to wait for the Kidney Stone center at USC to call me to schedule my ESWL so we can get this stone blown up and passed thru the tube. Once that is done, i should be right as rain and snow.
Did i mention i miss my boyfriend thru all of this?
Also, tonight i have passed a few more large blood clots and have been peeing a high amount of blood. I am going to call my doctor monday to have labs run to make sure i am not hemorrhaging. THAT would be really bad.
Day of Surgery:
I arrived at the hospital, nervous and was informed there would be NO SEDATION. If you look anywhere on the net about a Cystoscopy with Stent, it clearly states you get sedated. But since i was at County hospital, they prefer not to sedate patients because:
1. It takes longer for each patient to recover and leave the facility
2. they do about 15 cystoscopys in a day, so faster is better
3. sedation is dangerous
4. Its cheaper to not have an anesthesiologist on hand
So they proceeded to pry into my urethra with the scope which was very painful. Then he poked around my bladder looking for the opening to my left ureter. This hurt so much, i cried and did my best to stay still. Imagine having the hole you pee out of opened up to a diameter larger than a silver dollar. It doesnt just stretch, it tears. Finally the tube was in place and he told me it was almost over and that i was doing good. He finished by pulling a thread out thru my urethra, it is attached to the stent tube, a way to get it out easier. So now i have the equivalent to a tampon string sticking out of my urethra. (yuck) and it is time to get off the table.
Once off the table i became severely dizzy from the small demoral shot i recieved and stumbled to the restroom to throw up. I coughed a few times, but nothing more. As i went to sit in the waiting room, i realized how much more pain i was in. Laying flat on my back is the only way to quell and balance the pain. So while my mom waited to fill my prescription, Dad drove me home.
Once home, i decided i needed to pee... BAD IDEA. Imagine for a moment that your kidney has been blocked for a month, and all the toxins that built up in it and toxified further are about to be expelled through a urethra that has just been medically ripped open and raped. Nothing could have prepared me for this pain. NOTHING. It felt like pissing acid, fire, burning chemicals, shards of glass and lava all at once. I screamed repeatedly. My urnitation behaved this way for another hour or so while the toxins poured out, along with blood clots. I sat in a warm bath to relieve the bladder spasms i was having, and hoped the warm water would balance out the pain, relieve it even. It did, a bit. But i had to return to the tub 4 more times that evening.
Over the last 2 days, i have been laying flat and taking mass amounts of pain killers, muscle relaxers , anti nausea meds and pyridiene to numb my bladder. Walking is just now becoming an option. I noticed last night that i have started peeing blood again. I suppose now that my kidney can drain, its just draining the same way it was bfore the stone corked it off. I had a few more blood clots this morning too. I am going to call my doctor on Monday if this is still an issue.
Anyways, now i have to wait for the Kidney Stone center at USC to call me to schedule my ESWL so we can get this stone blown up and passed thru the tube. Once that is done, i should be right as rain and snow.
Did i mention i miss my boyfriend thru all of this?
Also, tonight i have passed a few more large blood clots and have been peeing a high amount of blood. I am going to call my doctor monday to have labs run to make sure i am not hemorrhaging. THAT would be really bad.
Get well soon, miss!
But like you said you'll be right as can be in no time!