Today I am on a quest for lilacs. When I was a young girl, kingergarten age, we lived in a house in the 'burbs of Chicago and outside my bedroom window were three enormous lilac bushes. These are my memories, so, for all I know, the bushes were 3 feet tall, but as I remember them, they were as tall as the house and I would fall asleep during the month of May with my windows open and the sweet smell accompanying my slumber. These are the memories I want my daughter to have when she grows up. Although I bought her a Weeping Cherry yesterday I will buy a lilac bush and plant it beneath her bedroom window. There will be peace and happiness and warm comfortable memories for my kids. I won't have it any other way.
The woman who lived here before me planted a little one. It's only about three feet high...light lilac flowers...small leaves...and OMG the smell. I'm not sure what its called but I think I've seen it an catalog and it might be called Little Kim.
I'm a total plant "geek" too, so don't worry.
Poor Iceberg might just really be in trouble now..