so I got one of those new logitech wireless headphones for my ipod. . .I have a 5gig 1st gen ipod so I was alittle worried it might not work. . .it has an adaptor for just such a situation!
. . .though the remote skip back and forward and the pause feature do not work, the volume control does. . .good enough for me, though I still might try to find a later model maybe a 40 gig on Amazon or somethin. . . .anyway my friends seem Nacho and Vervain seem to be settling down in their new digs. . .THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! Dagnabit they need to move back here so I can hang out with them and their little boy RONAN the DESTROYER!!!! HA HA but really I miss them terribly so anyone who can give them reasons to move from butt fuck RI back to the shining west, really give them the what for! It does not even have to be Portland anywere I could drive to in a day would work out fine.. . . .Anyway Love you all but the radiation from my monitor is getting to me. . .BUT FINALLY PROPS TO SG NEWS for hooking me up with this sweet new techno toy!

awww, stop it!
A wise man once said "Never let a baby run naked, after having diareah just 3 hours before." I guess I wasn't listening. EEwwwww.