Hot pink shirt wearing day.
I didn't sleep too well last night, kept dreaming of giraffes in Africa!?
My parents are coming over for dinner tonight, I always get nervous that they are gonna judge me on how clean my place is, how much food is in my fridge, and how healthy Oliver looks.
I'm in one of those loops where I'm getting stuff done, house is clean, i'm spending reasonably, not smoking, not drinking, not having sex
getting 8 hours of sleep, and cooking my own meals. It's a nice ordinary routine, boring but comforting.
We just got confirmation today that this time the office is reall really really going to move on Nov.30th, finally. We're moving to a snazzy brand new office in the tech area of the city. The building already had tons of computer and software companies in it which means cute brainy tech guys. And somewhere in the mix i'm sure there are even a few single cute brainy tech guys.
Well let the wednesday work day begin...*sigh* so it can be over faster..
Hot pink shirt wearing day.
I didn't sleep too well last night, kept dreaming of giraffes in Africa!?
My parents are coming over for dinner tonight, I always get nervous that they are gonna judge me on how clean my place is, how much food is in my fridge, and how healthy Oliver looks.

I'm in one of those loops where I'm getting stuff done, house is clean, i'm spending reasonably, not smoking, not drinking, not having sex

We just got confirmation today that this time the office is reall really really going to move on Nov.30th, finally. We're moving to a snazzy brand new office in the tech area of the city. The building already had tons of computer and software companies in it which means cute brainy tech guys. And somewhere in the mix i'm sure there are even a few single cute brainy tech guys.

Well let the wednesday work day begin...*sigh* so it can be over faster..

happy day of wednes... what is a wednes anydangway? and what's a tues or a thurs or a satur? WTF mate
the run went awesome... except it was really cold and my throat was having a hard time keeping up with me... *le sigh* ay me.
it's about an hour from being a day of thurses... so pre-happy day of thurs...
You made me a cover girl.
It took me a whole two minutes to recognize my own boob.
*hugs you* Thank you!