Good morning. My apartment is clean, i'm wearing a nice pink shade of lipstick, the hyacinth on my desk is about to bloom and it will smell amazing. On the flip side, my neck and head hurt and i'm quite dizzy today, rather odd but true none the less.
It's so quiet in my office I can hear the 5 time zone clocks on the wall ticking. I'm starting to be annoyed by the very television ad that I used to adore. The adds with "today is the day" theme used to inspire excitement and a "what if.." attitude in me. However after sending multiple applications and not receiving as much as 1 return, i'm starting to wonder, did they even get my application? what is it they see in my resume that turns employers away? is it because I work in porn that no one wants to hire me? am i turning into a virtual employment leper?
i begin to imagine suing my boss for inability to find a job somewhere else..hmm maybe defamation of employable character? maybe in the US but that would never fly in Quebec.
Oh well..
It's so quiet in my office I can hear the 5 time zone clocks on the wall ticking. I'm starting to be annoyed by the very television ad that I used to adore. The adds with "today is the day" theme used to inspire excitement and a "what if.." attitude in me. However after sending multiple applications and not receiving as much as 1 return, i'm starting to wonder, did they even get my application? what is it they see in my resume that turns employers away? is it because I work in porn that no one wants to hire me? am i turning into a virtual employment leper?
i begin to imagine suing my boss for inability to find a job somewhere else..hmm maybe defamation of employable character? maybe in the US but that would never fly in Quebec.
Oh well..
devrait tomber plutot..."
a, c'est moi...