Holy crap, a thread I posted got frontpaged.

I wholeheartedly expect rods from god to start falling on me.
hihihi smile congrats :wink
Good thread. I'm 47, with the exception of vacations have lived continuously in the US, I studied politics and history in college, wrote my senior paper on extremist ideas migrating into the mainstream, and STILL HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE about why we are so FUBAR. (If you are not familiar with FUBAR see here or here.

Welcome to the wonderful world of current events as seen by the Suicide Girls community.

Edit: hich cut of "Das Boot?"
Much to my annoyance, far less my surprise, the amount of work I was getting was nowhere near enough to pay to keep my sorry ass in oxford for the summer; so reluctantly Ive had to wend my way back to a place near Dartford which is the very epitome of chav-infested, cookie-cutter surburbia. You could take one look around this place and readily confuse...
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Its struck me a couple of times in the past that sometimes english, despite figuratively having stolen the wife and raped the cattle (not neccessarily in that order) of virtually every major language in the past few thousand years, is woefully inadequate to describe some situations.

As an example, my dilemma I had was akin to that of seeing a hot girl with an interesting...
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Even as I think about writing this, I get the feeling I should shut up about how I dislike work, but fuckit,it seems to be a running theme in blogs all over SG so Ill run with it. Actually, thats a lie. I quite like the work, but its more the conditions. In fact, i think im going to draw quite a bit of ire...
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Well, if you do write a book, that's the preface taken care of!

Yeah, I hate it when there's nothing to do, but you often find the people who actually give a shit about what they do, and take some pride in it, end up doing what you did: take the time to just make sure everything is in good working order. One of my job often has periods where there's nothing really happening for hours, which is a perfect time to check all the machinery, stock levels, Guardian crossword, etc.

As for all the workplace inbreeding....I would advise not getting involved also. The one time I ever did that, I got fired because the boss fancied the woman I got into bed with! Typical. Since then, I've kept out of that sort of thing. Also, in my most current job, almost all the people I work with are blokes who probably wouldn't take to kindly to me making a pass at them!! Though some of them are almost certainly worth the risk.

One possibility: just fuck the rich, drunk horny customers. Then write another book about that.

Increasingly Im given to wonder about the place im working at, and the people who are supposedly in control.

No less than five or six times over the last couple of weeks, Ive been rung up and asked to come in and do a nine hour shift at maybe an hour or in one case, fifteen minutes notice. And Im only a casual for the...
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I know the feeling, back when I was summer help with Coca-Cola in Los Angeles. I would have plans for the day with my college buddies, and then the head mixer would point at me, and put his right hand over his left wrist (overtime). I winced, but always gave him a thumbs up. I found the time to call home to tell my friends I would be late; either go without me or wait.

I like the internet handle. Which Catallus, or did you just like the name? I am a Roman history buff.
mate, disorganisation happens everywhere. Some people seem to be ale to get jobs they can't really do properly, then have to arrange things to fit at the last minute. Blows, but hey, fact of life.

It get's better when you have a job where you have set hours though! Well I say that, I just end up turning up late and working later all the time! haha!

I have splintery woes.

A couple of days ago I was putting a load of laundry into the machine and got a stab of pain in my foot. Small splinter, but it went deep and on such a part of my heel as to be fucking difficult to get it out. My housemates tried, they couldnt get it out either. Oh well.

But now, a...
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This was originally going to be a post filled with pithy comments, but then changing the comment after my username wiped the entire post, so now instead its going to be much simplified and operating on pure venom.

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