Ignore everything I said in my last post. I'm back, because my ethical scruples can be bought off with the promise of a year of interesting naked women for twenty quid.

A bits changed in the months since.

I am now completely convinced that I hate my course and have no intention of working in engineering apart from as a source of funds to study...
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Welcome Back!
Long time no see.

Your comment on oil flow was interesting and more informative than the only other one I saw. Here in the comments.
Stupid or lying? It will be hard to prove the latter in light of everything BP has done before and after the spill. How the fuck can you justify not installing a $500,000 USD device that would have prevented the blowout.
Im sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that Ive pretty much left the site, and indeed, the only reason why Im actually posting this is because I thought I had cancelled my subscription but apparently SG tried to take the cash anyway, and I now owe 24 bucks. After I cancelled. Riiiiight.

So in light of this, as a penniless student (still not...
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Thank you for the kind words. You are completely correct bout Vermicious Knid and it is scary that he is not alone in his outlook.

I will shoot you an email from time to time and will be send a test message shortly,

All the best and thank you for being a rational adult here in SG la la land.
<Insane drunken ramblings>
no they weren't! rather good stole them! "WE DID NOT MAKE THE SONG ONLY THE VIDEO CLIP WE LENT THE VIDEO CLIP TO RATHERGOOD.COM AND THEY CLAIMED IT AS THERE OWN" here ... although ... i don't know if thats true or not. *shrug*
You're sharp. wink
Things are getting very interesting these days.

Something I haven't really said on here is that Ive been *very* casually dating while in London, and had an interesting time at Smiths of Smithfields with the person ive been dating, having a couple of pints and then running through the rain to her flat a short distance away for a brief while where nothing much went...
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I know I said a long time ago that I severely dislike london since my mums place is out in cookie-cutter suburban sprawl, but goddamnit Ive been having such a good time geeking out of late. The last couple of weeks Ive been in a virtually permanent geekgasm from first visiting the Science Museum, and then last weekend the royal observatory at greenwich.

Today I...
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I am so pissed off with firefox/SG. For some reason whenever I accidently click a link while editing a post/blog, it goes to the page and loses the entirety of the post i was typing. This annoys me when ive written a mini essay. Grrrrrrrr.

Dredged from memory:

I cant accurately describe with words just how different I feel about this year going back...
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Try adding Coolpreviews to firefox it opens links as a pop-up and you will not lose your work. I will read your blog when I have more time and am less brain dead.
Feeling optimistic or the need to exercise should be handled the same way - lay down until the feeling passes.

Your goals for the year are aggressive but achievable. You may however need to go into brief periods of obsessive workaholic mode.

People who use lol, btw, brb or any other net-speak must to be beaten until they understand that using them is very inappropriate. I did not want to see plz or lol in work emails. For gods sakes how lazy do you need to be that you cannot add 'ease' and not use the 'z' when typing plz! Fuck it is only three extra letters.

Remember when directing freshmen to any campus location the longest indirect route is best. People must learn to read a map and you will help them learn this lesson.

I don't know if you can top the call for an extra 900 GBP after only three days call. The economy is still down. Good luck on the hunt. Try to find the girl who has piles needless crap, will not help her father and or siblings carry that crap in to her room, and whines a lot - she is a natural for the call.

Is Prasepe aware that you are stalking in love with her?
I had an immensely fun, geeky day at Greenwich Royal Observatory yesterday, wandering around the maritime museum there and of course, the astronomical bit. Also went for a planetarium show (OMG OMG I LOVE THOSE!) where we sat in reclining chairs and watched stars go nova. Due to now only being able to get an ordinary (non honours frown ) degree, one of the options I...
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Why are you to receive an ordinary degree? I know grades but why were they too low? Were you involved in too many other activities? How much longer would you need for the astronomy degree and can you afford the time and costs?

BTW I know that my first question sounds like what your parents said or will say when you tell them. I am old get over it. tongue

Uncalled for mocking of the cousins from across the pond
1 - Brits do not tan! During the whole building of the empire not a single Brit got a tan. Give up on it.

2- Instead of astronomy you could work on that whole ice issue and why ice cannot be made in your land. tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue
The reason for only recieving an ordinary degree is partly garden variety foolish young idiot stuff and family drama. A long term girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue just around exam time, and that hosed that year (may 08), and this year I had to take my dad to court about the same time to get money that i am owed by him (to the tune of about 7k), along with all the angst of realising that instead of an ok guy for a dad ive got a bit of a bastard. So ive hosed this year (2nd of degree) twice. Now comes the really shitty part.

Because retakes of modules count as modules towards a degree, i have effectively taken something like 15 modules. An honours degree is awarded so long as no more than 22 modules are taken over three years, and the minimum number of modules I need per year to stay a full time student is 6, which takes me over the limit.

Frustrating barely begins to cover it. And yes, the above paragraphs do sound rehearsed because ive had to explain to so many people, including parents, or parent. Ive told dad, but he and i have yet to actually have a conversation in which I say, " you know for the last fifteen years youve been a pretty shitty parent.". Van wilder jokes ceased to be funny a long time ago since he didnt graduate by choice.

When Ive actually got my head together, im a fairly good student, usually around a B average but this year I guess I dont really have any excuse for not getting A's. When it comes to other degrees, i have no idea. Im pretty much boned every way I go, but im looking into options to get grades up across the board from degree level stuff to the a level or equivalent things id need to apply to another university for astrophysics/astronomy. Money is the big problem, though, youre right. Again, its something im looking into but as with a lot of these things, there are multiple levels of bureacracy to be penetrated which is taking a bit of time.
I know that as a 21 year old male, im supposed to be above such petty things as arachnophobia....


There is something profoundly reviling about the way they move with all eight legs moving in an unholy oily unison that makes my skin...
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Im glad my fear entertains you. tongue

Hopefully my cat will get it. :3
You would hate the spider scene in Dr. No!

I hope they were mocking the healthers (cousins to the birthers and thruthers). From The Huffington Post. See their The Funniest Signs From Town Hall Protests. Otherwise I guess I need to brush up on my Canadian accent again. First it was GW Bush and now the right wing nut jobs again I am embarrassed by my country.
Before we get into the main mystery meat of todays entry, Id like to say that I had a fantastic weekend with my best mate in oxford, getting very very drunk on imported beer and playing hilarious boardgames. Strip poker (involving his girlfriend) was an unexpected bonus, although we were both at a distinct disadvantage having been drinking for seven straight hours by that point....
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This blog is awesome! In scope and ambition biggrin

I work as a buyer sometimes for an effects company, and the company we always use for cutting is THIS one. I know you don't need a Mr Fusion style cutter, but you seem to be wasting a lot of time trying to find a small wind-up one. Sometimes it's just better to get it done!

Anyways, if you call them, speak to Mike Simpson if you can, and say Dave Thomas from Wolfman Special Effects department recommended you (if no bells are ringing at his end, say I'm a colleague of Jason McCameron), and just explain your situation. They're always pretty helpful, so might be able to recommend a smaller company.

Hope that helps.
Just a quick one this morning, not entirely unrelated to the thread I posted yesterday and has given me some insight and ire from people.

I give you a spectacular piece of journalism from the Investors Business Daily, which I will quote here on account of A) Expecting it to be redacted, and B) sheer hilarity.

Investors Business Daily
Rationing: In the recesses of the...
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