You're a knockout @cassino. I'm sure you'd be every bit as talented as a model as you are a photographer. Loved your new set with @alinekimm BTW.


Parabéns pelos seus trabalhos!! Vi vários deles já. Suas fotos tb são lindas! Podia ter um ensaio teu por aqui! Bom ano novo! Bjo

Antes de ser modelo, quero concretizar meu sonho de ser fotógrafa Staff no site 💕 Obrigada por tirar um tempinho pra elogiar, teu comentário fez meu dia começar bem melhor.
Show!! Segue fotografando que vai dar certo!  Sucesso pra vc! Bjo

From ralphxd


Hey! You make amazing photos! Besides that you are very beautiful! I hope to see a set featuring you someday! ❤

From folkme21


@lilxlith Hi there! Just wanted to tell you how gorgeous you are and hope you have a great week!!!

What a sweet comment, thank you, I hope you also have ❤
@lilxlith You're an AMAZING photographer, but I was wondering if you had any plans of shooting any sets of your own?

From chroi


Hi gorgeous thanks you so much for your love on my new set 'Simplify Your Life'  xx really appreciate your support xx

From chroi


thanks for your love and kind words, I love your work x

I love you work too. You're always bringing amazing sets. I hope you turn pink soon

From chroi


hey just wanted to say thanks so much for the support on my new set Chroi vs. Evil Dead :D x