So last night was one of the saddest days ever. i was helping out at the hospital next door, and all of a sudden they had a bunch of lil kids come in barley alive, and a man who had lost all 3 of his kids in the accident. those kids were so bad, they had to get sent to a bigger and much better...
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Oh my god, that's so awful. I used to work in a hospital; there's no preparing for that kind of thing, no matter how much you've seen.
i know biggrin
Oh, today was just not my day, first of all im really lazy so i usually wake up 30 before i have to go to work, and no one thought to hint me about a pee test we had to do. the first thing i do when i wake up id go pee!! doesnt everyone? so i had to sit there for about and hour...
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You forgot to make a cheat-sheet for your wiz-quiz? Naughty, naughty...
That sucks. Of course you pee in the morning...

Came here from your ass pic in the SG hopefuls thread. love Good luck becoming an SG. I'm sure you'll get it if you try!
YES! i got my friends sorted out and everything is working fine again. i get to pretend to save lives tomarrow and i hope i really get too. im so excited. i'll get to be someones real life angel, only i think thats a bad thing to say because by doing so i guess im hoping someone gets hurt. so i hope i dont have...
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but you already ARE a real live angel, even without saving lives. blush kiss kiss
sound exciting! good luck!
Bah! today was so bland i didnt even get any shopping done though thats prob a good thing. also i was trying to re-arange my top friends list and now i've gonna and mest it all up, what a weenie, and now i can't even fix it, oh no! what am i to do? it just wont lemme drop any friends into my favorites. and...
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that's why I went shopping in New Jersey.
NY is expensive, but you have affordable options. NJ is even better smile
HELP!! i need mini skirts, any advice on a good site that has a good selection on them? anything would be of help smile
I'm a guy. I know nothing about shopping for miniskirts, just about enjoying them on pretty girls. biggrin biggrin

Maybe a posting in The Swap Meet group asking for help?
good day everyone! er i feel like a lil piggy today i had so much to eat for lunch, fish, steamed carrots, potatoe wedges, grilled cheese, and a yummy peanutbutter and banana sandwich, and took it all down with delicous apple juice... Mmmm.. i wish i could eat like that all the time. ah, i need to go shopping but im afraid i've spent too...
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sounds yummy!

mini skirts, eh? do we get pictures? blush kiss kiss
well i have to do some research, i dunno where i can buy mini skirst online... frown i'll ask around.
Bedtime for this lil sucker! and tomarrow i shall wake to rude alarm and pretend to be a secratery at work. ah how lame must i be to get picked for that? well i guess i will atleast have some good dreams of me someday haveing a kick ass job where i answer to no one, but honestly no such job exsist. well i wont...
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so a new morning starts. well more like just a whole new day! its is indeed 3:30 pm haha awe so lazy today. when i showed up to work today the ppl who work next door have the creepeist job. it includes an incinerator and dead body parts. yuck! ha and since there so close once they get it started a thick black smoke emerges...
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Sounds creepy as hell! eeek
eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
Aww... alas my day is over and now its time for bed i met many beautiful girls today. and im excited to meet more tomarrow. Hopefully i shall meet many more in my time here on the site and hopfully i to will be considered one of the gorgeous sg's well i shall wait my turn and 'till then i shall have a blast with...
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sweet dreams. The girls here are all quite awesome. I"m sure you'll be an SG soon. kiss kiss kiss
Awe, i feel so silly now, i wasn't a member before i sent in my first set, and now that i've looked around the site a bit, i feel so childish to think i had a chance with the set i sent in, oh well haha! looks like i'll have to think up more ideas and wait till i can get a hold of a...
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Thanks you too. smile
good luck with your next shoot, you're gorgeous and I'm sure you'll go pink soon! I just booked a trip to Maui for Feb 2008, can't wait!!!

kiss kiss
Alright so yeah Im very new to this site and i got here due to a rejected set, haha it happens! oh well now while i wait for my three months to pass, I'll mossey over to the hopefuls group and see what advice I can get of them to help me out. It's getting very late on my side of the world so off...
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I cant wait to see you go pink, you are uber cute love ...alas i took ur testimonial cherry,hehhe wink
awe haha why thank you!!!