Yeah, so that last entry was an attempt to be cool during April Fools. Ha ha...
So today was pretty good, now that I look back on it. Didn't wake up til 1:30 or something, then just relaxed til class at 3:30. We got our midterm grades back, and I was pleasantly surprised... but a bit confused. Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
Hell, no complaints here
After that class, I went to my next and last one, where I just kinda vegged out, but also had a spur of creativity. I drew the most magnificent piece of modern art, which I'm going to sell to an art gallery for millions. I call it "Juxtaposed":
Whatcha think? At least $50,000? That's about what I'm thinking, at least.
The rest of the day was pretty mellow, and I even got a couple games of bowling in from 11-1 AM
Now tomorrow, I have to deal with running off only 5 hours of sleep, go to numerous classes, and end with a midterm from 6-8 PM. Wow, nothing like those Friday night exams...
So wish me luck!
The good part of Friday is that it leads into Saturday, which means an uber-spectacular day/night hangin' out with the one and only Kestrel. I'm not quite sure what we're going to be doing the whole time (only have a couple plans), but I have no doubt that it'll be a lot of fun nonetheless.
Another cool thing is that I actually have plans more than 2 hours in advance (excluding Kes coming down here), which is pretty damn rare, considering me and all my friends are usually spontaneous with our plans. The Saturday before Easter, me and a few other guys are driving like 2 hours west of here to some "Enchanted Rock" place or whatnot, and we're gonna hike it. I've never hiked an enchanted rock before, so it should be quite an adventure. Then, later that night, I'm going to my cousin's birthday party at some fancy restarurant, so that should be exciting. What the hell does "casually savvy attire" mean? I'm just gonna wear a button-up shirt with no tie and khakis, so let's hope that's casually savvy enough. You know, why do they have to be so indirect about those things. It's a black tie party... oh it's a white collar party... no it's a red undies party. Why can't they just say "wear a fucking button up shirt and tie with black pants or we'll kick you out"... I think that'd be a lot easier.
You know what song I forgot about that's cool? Dollskin by Toadies. That, and I've updated 5 days in a row, suckers! Mwa hahaha

So today was pretty good, now that I look back on it. Didn't wake up til 1:30 or something, then just relaxed til class at 3:30. We got our midterm grades back, and I was pleasantly surprised... but a bit confused. Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

Hell, no complaints here

Whatcha think? At least $50,000? That's about what I'm thinking, at least.

The rest of the day was pretty mellow, and I even got a couple games of bowling in from 11-1 AM

The good part of Friday is that it leads into Saturday, which means an uber-spectacular day/night hangin' out with the one and only Kestrel. I'm not quite sure what we're going to be doing the whole time (only have a couple plans), but I have no doubt that it'll be a lot of fun nonetheless.
Another cool thing is that I actually have plans more than 2 hours in advance (excluding Kes coming down here), which is pretty damn rare, considering me and all my friends are usually spontaneous with our plans. The Saturday before Easter, me and a few other guys are driving like 2 hours west of here to some "Enchanted Rock" place or whatnot, and we're gonna hike it. I've never hiked an enchanted rock before, so it should be quite an adventure. Then, later that night, I'm going to my cousin's birthday party at some fancy restarurant, so that should be exciting. What the hell does "casually savvy attire" mean? I'm just gonna wear a button-up shirt with no tie and khakis, so let's hope that's casually savvy enough. You know, why do they have to be so indirect about those things. It's a black tie party... oh it's a white collar party... no it's a red undies party. Why can't they just say "wear a fucking button up shirt and tie with black pants or we'll kick you out"... I think that'd be a lot easier.
You know what song I forgot about that's cool? Dollskin by Toadies. That, and I've updated 5 days in a row, suckers! Mwa hahaha

Eww, hiking.