Regret....Ben Folds sings so aptly about it. Really a terrible feeling, regret. There's this girl that lives down the hall from me who I'd really like to get to know.....met her one evening when she asked me for change for $1 for laundry. We were having a nice conversation until my phone was an old friend of mine calling to tell me that a mutual friend of ours had died in an accident, so obviously I ended up talking to my friend for a while and this girl left. Hadn't seen her since until tonight when I was walking out of the building and she was walking in. Kinda caught me off gaurd and all I could manage was a timid hello...sigh. Now I'm sitting in my laboratory at midnight on a Sunday night working. Oh my life.
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Thursday Dec 18, 2003
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Sunday Dec 14, 2003
Regret....Ben Folds sings so aptly about it. Really a terrible feelin… -
Sunday Dec 14, 2003
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