Tried playing volleyball for the first time since my appendectomy this evening....seems to have gone pretty well, I don't see any blood issuing forth from my abdomen. Going to be a work-filled weekend as I have to give a seminar on Tuesday and I've done essentially nothing to prepare as of yet. I once took a vacation....someday I hope to do that again....someday.
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 18, 2004
Been on a bit of a hiatus lately, partly because I've been insanely b… -
Thursday Feb 05, 2004
Here's a public opinion poll for you: how many people have been to th… -
Sunday Feb 01, 2004
Oh No!! I'm at work and missing the SuperBowl....oh yeah, i don't giv… -
Wednesday Jan 28, 2004
Worked late late late last night.....then proceeded to sleep till noo… -
Saturday Jan 24, 2004
Oh so tired...stayed out too late last night...drank too much last ni… -
Monday Jan 12, 2004
7:00pm....need to get away from work. First hockey game of the new ye… -
Saturday Jan 10, 2004
Hmm, new year.....can't decide if I feel optimistic or not....ambival… -
Thursday Dec 18, 2003
Hmm, don't really feel like doing a journal entry today...not really … -
Sunday Dec 14, 2003
Regret....Ben Folds sings so aptly about it. Really a terrible feelin… -
Sunday Dec 14, 2003
Ughhh, so much alcohol in the last 3 nights....I have one more gather…
2. seminar on what?
3. this seminar you haven't prepared for...might you just pull a "Lucky Jim" on them? [note: i don't really like that edition's cover.]
Wish I could claim originality for the name, but it's ripped off from the title of an REM song.
hehe, I haven't read "Lucky Jim", but it sounds pretty good, maybe I'll have some time to read it over the holidays. Or I could read it instead of preparing for my seminar.....but considering that several members of the National Academy of Sciences will be in attendence, maybe that wouldn't be a good idea.