So my first introduction to the Suicide Girls was misguided forwarding me to the site last week, because he was shocked and aghast that I'd never seen it.
My second encounter was tonight. The Suicide Girls Burlesque. Including such magical moments as the chocolate sauce from the final act hitting my toes and the random girl from the crowd biting me. Biting me such that I am certain it will bruise.
This girl, in a polka-dot corset, came randomly wandering out of the crowd towards me. "Meow. Meow". Looking at me with her cat's-eye contacts, she grinned, meowed again, and leaned over to lick my shoulder. Receiving no immediate discouragement from me, she licked me again. Then she took hold of my arm, and bit me. She backed off, looked up at me with those surreal eyes again, then wandered off. I turned to my companion, dire_romantic's friend Brett, who was looking at me with a certain amount of awe? envy? and discussed with him whether the red liquid on my shoulder was her lipstick, or my blood.
You, however, as my faithful readers, know that it was not blood, but lipstick, because you're careful readers, and know that I said bruise, not scar. Right?
So of course, I bought a subscription. Hot chicks are clearly my thing.
My second encounter was tonight. The Suicide Girls Burlesque. Including such magical moments as the chocolate sauce from the final act hitting my toes and the random girl from the crowd biting me. Biting me such that I am certain it will bruise.
This girl, in a polka-dot corset, came randomly wandering out of the crowd towards me. "Meow. Meow". Looking at me with her cat's-eye contacts, she grinned, meowed again, and leaned over to lick my shoulder. Receiving no immediate discouragement from me, she licked me again. Then she took hold of my arm, and bit me. She backed off, looked up at me with those surreal eyes again, then wandered off. I turned to my companion, dire_romantic's friend Brett, who was looking at me with a certain amount of awe? envy? and discussed with him whether the red liquid on my shoulder was her lipstick, or my blood.
You, however, as my faithful readers, know that it was not blood, but lipstick, because you're careful readers, and know that I said bruise, not scar. Right?
So of course, I bought a subscription. Hot chicks are clearly my thing.
So, was it an enjoyable bite, or an invasion of your personal space?
Honestly, I'm not sure. A little from column A, a little from column B. It didn't bruise, though. I'm sad. I was all excited to be able to show it off for at least a week.