I was nearly sexually assaulted today.
I walk home for lunch. I left my building and was heading up the hill. There was a guy in a hoodie walking down the hill toward me. As our paths crossed, he leaned toward me and TRIED TO GRAB MY ASS. I ducked out of the way, so he missed. Thank goddess. I can't imagine how violated I would have felt if he'd connected. I yelled, "What the hell is your problem?!" and creep-ass started giggling and saying, "I almost got it! I almost got that ass!"
I headed up the hill the hell away from him, but not before yelling, "Freakin' asshole!"
I hate this shit. I should not have to deal with it. It's not my fault I have tits and a vagina. MY BEING A WOMAN DOES NOT MAKE ME EVERY MAN'S PLAYTHING, GOD DAMNIT!!
People wonder why I get freaked out and angry when I get catcalled? Because shit like this happens. Because I never know when the catcaller is going to try what this shithead tried. And I feel angry and violated and scared and I want to cry in rage and fear.
(For the record, I called the police and gave them a full report and a description of the asswipe. I called my boyfriend and he came home from work to hug me until the police arrived. And then I took the rest of the day off work and drank tea and knitted at the boyfriend's workplace. I'm feeling fine now, but I'm still very angry. I should not have to deal with this. No woman should.)
I walk home for lunch. I left my building and was heading up the hill. There was a guy in a hoodie walking down the hill toward me. As our paths crossed, he leaned toward me and TRIED TO GRAB MY ASS. I ducked out of the way, so he missed. Thank goddess. I can't imagine how violated I would have felt if he'd connected. I yelled, "What the hell is your problem?!" and creep-ass started giggling and saying, "I almost got it! I almost got that ass!"
I headed up the hill the hell away from him, but not before yelling, "Freakin' asshole!"
I hate this shit. I should not have to deal with it. It's not my fault I have tits and a vagina. MY BEING A WOMAN DOES NOT MAKE ME EVERY MAN'S PLAYTHING, GOD DAMNIT!!
People wonder why I get freaked out and angry when I get catcalled? Because shit like this happens. Because I never know when the catcaller is going to try what this shithead tried. And I feel angry and violated and scared and I want to cry in rage and fear.
(For the record, I called the police and gave them a full report and a description of the asswipe. I called my boyfriend and he came home from work to hug me until the police arrived. And then I took the rest of the day off work and drank tea and knitted at the boyfriend's workplace. I'm feeling fine now, but I'm still very angry. I should not have to deal with this. No woman should.)
I look forward to seeing all your knitting marvels

such a load of bullshit. so sorry.