4 or 5 days of false enlightenment, and then I am dumped back down into the depths of hell. you think you're really starting to get better and then it feels like you heave just had all the air vaccuumed out of your lungs.
I keep finding myself playing the part of gatsby from fitzgeralds' great american tale, which btw no one other than me will ever fully appreciate, or perhaps thats just me acting like some megalomaniac douchebag.
Thinking about it, I really think I must be an egomainiac, I mean I guess I'm ok, I don't think I'm the greates person in the world or that anyones beneath me really, but when I disect all these feelings it seems like to be this bummed out about everything that gets me down that you really have to think the earth revolves around you.
But I'm probably just overthinking things agian, which sems to be one of my many critical personality flaws.
so it goes
I keep finding myself playing the part of gatsby from fitzgeralds' great american tale, which btw no one other than me will ever fully appreciate, or perhaps thats just me acting like some megalomaniac douchebag.
Thinking about it, I really think I must be an egomainiac, I mean I guess I'm ok, I don't think I'm the greates person in the world or that anyones beneath me really, but when I disect all these feelings it seems like to be this bummed out about everything that gets me down that you really have to think the earth revolves around you.
But I'm probably just overthinking things agian, which sems to be one of my many critical personality flaws.
so it goes

Oh well shit, I'm not real good at posting pics

those fight club meetings probably aren't half bad. at least they got to hug and have human contact.