I've been sitting here all evening, fixing a computer for my mom's friend. She apparently didn't know that Best Buy is the devil, and paid them $80 to say "yep, it's not working. If you want us to fix it, that will be another charge." (I didn't even need to do a web search. I just typed "bestbuysux.org" into the address bar, and sure enough, such a site was thriving. But I digress.)
So she took it home and gave it to junior to fix. Jr. knows all about computers. The best way to uninstall programs is to drag them into the recycle bin and empty it, right?
She asked me how to fix it, so I told her to just bring it on over. I approached it in the same way that I approach every strange computer problem: go thermonuclear on the hard drive and start from scratch. Now it's good as new. I could have used that $80 that they gave Satan, though. Oh well.
I guess it's kind of hard to tell, but I don't like Best Buy all that much. For one thing, it's not the best buy anymore... often having higher prices than Target and Wal-Mart. But the real reason I hate them is a long rant that I don't feel like going into right now.
While I was reinstalling Windows, I began reading a book, "Programming Role Playing Games With DirectX." I'm surprised that I didn't fall asleep. In fact, I began to feel a warm, familiar glow begin to well up inside me. Yes, I was getting back in touch with my inner-nerd.
I don't know if I'm going to actually create an RPG. For one thing, I need a good story line. How about the knight that rescues the princess? How does that sound?
I was able to *obtain* some more music last night. In particular, Depeche Mode's People Are People, and The Cure's Charlotte Sometimes, which I used to believe to be called "Chocolate Sometimes" (And yeah, of course it doesn't actually make sense, but most Cure lyrics don't). But best of all, I was able to get a hold of Cindi Lauper's The Goonies 'R Good Enough. Fuck yeah, baby! It also reminds me that I still need to complete that pilgrimage to Astoria, Oregon that I vowed to make several years ago.
Like many, the Goonies reminds me of my childhood. It was a simpler time, back when kids still had a shot at finding an old treasure map and discovering its buried treasure, and "One-Eyed Willy" refered to the name of a pirate.
I'm going to copy half of you and close my journal with some questions:
1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate Best Buy?
2) What would make a good RPG storyline? By good, I mean asinine and ridiculous.
3) Have you ever considered visiting the filming sites of your favorite movie(s)? If so, where, and which movie(s)?
So she took it home and gave it to junior to fix. Jr. knows all about computers. The best way to uninstall programs is to drag them into the recycle bin and empty it, right?

She asked me how to fix it, so I told her to just bring it on over. I approached it in the same way that I approach every strange computer problem: go thermonuclear on the hard drive and start from scratch. Now it's good as new. I could have used that $80 that they gave Satan, though. Oh well.
I guess it's kind of hard to tell, but I don't like Best Buy all that much. For one thing, it's not the best buy anymore... often having higher prices than Target and Wal-Mart. But the real reason I hate them is a long rant that I don't feel like going into right now.
While I was reinstalling Windows, I began reading a book, "Programming Role Playing Games With DirectX." I'm surprised that I didn't fall asleep. In fact, I began to feel a warm, familiar glow begin to well up inside me. Yes, I was getting back in touch with my inner-nerd.
I don't know if I'm going to actually create an RPG. For one thing, I need a good story line. How about the knight that rescues the princess? How does that sound?
I was able to *obtain* some more music last night. In particular, Depeche Mode's People Are People, and The Cure's Charlotte Sometimes, which I used to believe to be called "Chocolate Sometimes" (And yeah, of course it doesn't actually make sense, but most Cure lyrics don't). But best of all, I was able to get a hold of Cindi Lauper's The Goonies 'R Good Enough. Fuck yeah, baby! It also reminds me that I still need to complete that pilgrimage to Astoria, Oregon that I vowed to make several years ago.
Like many, the Goonies reminds me of my childhood. It was a simpler time, back when kids still had a shot at finding an old treasure map and discovering its buried treasure, and "One-Eyed Willy" refered to the name of a pirate.
I'm going to copy half of you and close my journal with some questions:
1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate Best Buy?
2) What would make a good RPG storyline? By good, I mean asinine and ridiculous.
3) Have you ever considered visiting the filming sites of your favorite movie(s)? If so, where, and which movie(s)?