Everybody in the neighborhood loves this sweet, dear old grandmother's cooking. They find her chocolate cake in particular to be wonderfully addictive.
"If they send me to jail, I can finish writing my book, Grandma Eats Cannabis"
-Somebody's Grandma
On the other side of the Atlantic, the world's most notorious criminal organization is back in court. "Why didn't they tell us?", cries one plantiff, as he chows down his Quarter Pounder, Extra-Super-Bigass Fries, and a Diet Coke.
This has prompted somber New Mexico state senators to endorse the Right to Eat Enchiladas bill.
This is a bill to protect your right to eat enchiladas, to eat red or green, to eat burritos, to eat whatever [the fuck] you want, Komadina said.
Lawyers everywhere began to weep.
Interesting stories. 

Good Method.