If anybody knows if there is a way to delete journal entries, please let me know. I have this damned entry taking up space for no good reason.
In the spirit of erring, I would like to take this time to give a shout-out to Groo!

In the spirit of erring, I would like to take this time to give a shout-out to Groo!

I occassionally see posts that contain the text **deleted entry** but I think people just edit them to say that. I certainly can't delete any of mine.
But you HAVE to click update and then chose a journal DATE to change.
As far as you learning the site dont sweat it. A good way to get people to notice you is questions, and starnge ones at that.
1) Write a journal short and to the point about who you are and what your about.
2) Ask three to five questions like whats your favorite cheese and a couple serious ones. mix it up.
3) Then tell people to ask you a good question.
4) Then go to other peoples pages like mine and read a comment then go to one of MY friends and write them and go to one of THIER friends and so on. Think of it this way if you find someones attitude that u like stick with thier friends they will also be equally as cool. No ones gonna be mad for you copying friends....This is like fishing the more lures you through out the more people will come pback to your page to see what your about. And MOST people cant resist answering good questions.....
5) Thenb watch the comments pour in and if you like peoples comment then request there friendship. The more friends the more attention and the better you feel.
At least thats how i see it......
I followed your thread from the SGIE page which is mine so I thought I would stop by and drop some pointers... Until I did this I had one row of friends and just talked to myself.
But good luck and let me know if I can do anything to help you out man.
Lates yo.