Faced with rampant crime at the her highness's Royal Parks, London formed an elite law enforcement squad called the Park Police. In the ongoing effort to keep up with the Forces of Evil's knack for coming up with dastardly and clever ways to avoid capture, they sealed their greatest minds in a secret bunker two miles below the surface of the earth. Their task: Find...
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thats an excellent story. 

My iPod has been missing for a week. I think I'm finally going to cave in and do my yearly car-cleaning three weeks early. It's probably under a Del Taco cup or something. I've been making do with what can be refered to as one of the first iPods, which basically did the same thing except they held 60 minutes of music, with one...
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im still alive. life has been hectic again. i havent been sleeping much, lots of stress, and dissapointment.
thanx... my mom put it up for me...shes my super awesome hairstylist.
Okay, I've been meaning to update this thing for a few months, so I might as well do it.
I have my own place again. Three cheers for that. My crazy neighbors are always throwing parties, so another three cheers for that. It's a beautiful thing to step outside on a Saturday morning and see that they've built a beer can pyramid outside of my...
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I have my own place again. Three cheers for that. My crazy neighbors are always throwing parties, so another three cheers for that. It's a beautiful thing to step outside on a Saturday morning and see that they've built a beer can pyramid outside of my...
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hopefully its more of a Oh its you!!
When I was a kid my favorite team was the Pirates....because my first baseball card ever was of the Pirates
When I was a kid my favorite team was the Pirates....because my first baseball card ever was of the Pirates
yeah I have decided to keep it...I just love it too much, plus the other one doesn't look as good when its sized down to profile proportions.
yeah they don't know what they are missing
yeah they don't know what they are missing
I went to a concert last weekend. The highlight was when I noticed that the young lady that did the opening act (and sings backup in the main band) kept stealing glances at me in between songs. I was right up front because a chance encounter with a journalist at the fair got me a VIP pass 4 teh w1n, even though I didn't say...
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one word... hectic.
my life has been a rollercoaster the last year.
my life has been a rollercoaster the last year.
thanX dude!!!
Well, I did it. I drank a whole bottle of Johnnie Walker Red in 1 1/2 hours, plus 4 shots of brandy (while watching SNL, coincidently. Will Farrell is Genius incarnate), and I feel fine. I would like to say that it means I kick ass, but it also might mean that I drink a weeeee bit too much. I can drink all of my...
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thanX man. cheers to you too.
Irish pride wOOt!!!!
Irish pride wOOt!!!!

Ok, well, I'm back for good, now. It's crazy how time flies. I blink my eyes, and suddenly three months have flown by. Have I been drunk for three months? Possibly.
Anyways, I'm fairly sober now, and ready to jump back into things. I am getting my website ready for launch. I would like for it to have more than five minutes of content before...
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Anyways, I'm fairly sober now, and ready to jump back into things. I am getting my website ready for launch. I would like for it to have more than five minutes of content before...
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You know... for some reason, unbeknownst to me, when I looked at my friends list, I saw your screenname and thought "damn, haven't heard anything from him in a while."
(and if i say that then you've really been awol, cos i'm barely on here myself)
so coincedentally you posted an update today.

(and if i say that then you've really been awol, cos i'm barely on here myself)
so coincedentally you posted an update today.

It's been a while, but I'm back from very important business. More updates and spider-web-removal from my journal to follow.
It takes me drunk to notice how large I look in my pic. That was 13 months and 50 lbs ago. Bless Atkins, I need a new one.
My Spearmint Rhino hat is smushed. I must have fallen asleep on it. But at least it...
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It takes me drunk to notice how large I look in my pic. That was 13 months and 50 lbs ago. Bless Atkins, I need a new one.
My Spearmint Rhino hat is smushed. I must have fallen asleep on it. But at least it...
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where the hell are you???
I was kidnapped by aliens, but I made it back more or less ok. Planning on doing regular updates again.
Billy Idol recently released his (nearly) first single in 10 years. Scream can be heard in its entirety here.
It's surprisingly good. Most comeback attempts are ill-fated, but this has me a bit optimistic. I don't expect him to become the phenomenon that he was in the 80's, but it will get his name back out there and expand his fanbase. He's re-teamed with guitarist...
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It's surprisingly good. Most comeback attempts are ill-fated, but this has me a bit optimistic. I don't expect him to become the phenomenon that he was in the 80's, but it will get his name back out there and expand his fanbase. He's re-teamed with guitarist...
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Hey I finally got the photo...
Blue Ribbon = 1st Prize

Blue Ribbon = 1st Prize
Awesome antique.
I had several, thank you

w/h stands for "with" w/o stands for "without"

I've been sitting here all evening, fixing a computer for my mom's friend. She apparently didn't know that Best Buy is the devil, and paid them $80 to say "yep, it's not working. If you want us to fix it, that will be another charge." (I didn't even need to do a web search. I just typed "bestbuysux.org" into the address bar, and sure...
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Heh, Windows 98. you know, its almost like my brain erased Windows 98 from my memory. Why didnt I think of that? Who knows.

Nice chatting with you yesterday!