sooooo sick right now. I came down with a horrid flu. I haven't been this sick since i got the chicken pox when i was 18.

the good news is i applied for a job that is perfect for me. A publishing company wants someone to write a biography for kids on Kurt Cobain.

Let's see my qualifications real quick:
-College graduate
-have a degree...
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Well the old birthday thing was sort of a blur of booze, billards, nicotine and more booze.

i found out some terrible news the other day. I wrote the following a few nights ago:

i have to draw a fuckin like right now (after finishing off a whole bottle of jameson tonight). I came across this HORRIBLE info on www.upcominghorrormovies.com, a VERY trusted source that...
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do you know any of the guys in the band the killing bottle. they're awesome.
yeah,you guys played here twice. how are you doing,are you in a new band or any thing? i hope all is well. smile
yay i'm drunk everyone who is sober is stupid. so i rule fuck every one who sucks cause they suck. ok i drank alot of whisky anf guinness. so i'm cool cause i like rock n roll. fuck off alright? tits g.
peace out
Happy birthday cutiepie.
Happy B-day!
Wow , i sitll have a profile? Time to check the bank acounts because i don't remember paying for this long. Either way it feels good to be back. I was netless for a few months there durring the movie but FINALLY cable was installed a few days ago. God none of you care about this. I'll more after the pixies concert tonight when i'm...
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what makes you think we don't care?
Well kiddies, tomorrow is the horror-movie-fan-favorite date, Friday the 13th. Now anyone that knows me knows that whenever this said unlucky date occurs on the calender i do what any slasher flick fan boy does; watch Friday the 13th and drink 13 beers an hour.

Well this time may go a bit different. I move tomorrow morning out of uptown and into north. Out of...
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Woke up at 8 AM today and puked 7 times. Found a bottle of KY jelly in my pants pocket and a spare $20 in my wallet . I have no idea where these came from.

On the bright side i leave tomorrow AM for We fest, yes that country music festival. I'm not going for the red neck pride music though, i'm going to...
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what the hell were you drinkin' last night? maybe it's better you don't remember where those items came from. how are things with your band?
Very off kilter day.

I woke up for work an hour late. My alarm didn't go off but when i checked it later it was set just fine.

When i got to work i found out a co worker passed away in an auto accident. he lost control of his car, slammed into a barrier, and flew through his windsheild. No word on if he...
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death always seems so surreal to me. even when members of my family have passed, there is a part of me that doesn't thinks it's real.

hmmm, sounds like that song is going to be really interesting when you've finished it.

congradulations on graduating.

we finish new song today

me no sleep 2 days

me still hung over from 2 days ago.

night night

hulk smash (box office records with a SUCKY movie...oh diss)
lets hang out soon. i havent seen you in ages and i need
the nirvana gossip
So i got tired.

I got tired of bitching about the scene.
I got tired of the shitty local music.
I got tired of not geting my drinks for free.
I got tired of not being on a stage.

ERnter the band: Exley.

yep this ex killing bottle, ex burning reason, ex atomic orange drummer started a new fuckin band finally.

People in MN had...
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i'm looking forward to hearing some of your music.
does that mean jooolie is engaged? or am i thinking of the wrong girl? the thought of you and mike b together TOTALLY makes me swoon. you guys are too friggin cute. hows life? i hear yr moving out. the crazy dude told me. if you see him, please tell him to get help. i feel bad for him. you should totally call me sometime so i can actually talk to you...

The great thing about having a friend that runs a movie theater is that sometimes you get to see movies a few days before they come out. Such is the case with Spider Man 2.

Sam Raimi said that the worst CGI shots in Spiderman 2 are on par with the best in Spidey 1. At times, watching a digital image of Toby Maguire in...
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