I'm still hanging in there... Thanks for everyone's amazingly kind words last post.... You guys are seriously the reason why I still have a membership here.
Not much enthusiasm or energy to post at the moment, I did however just start reading this fantastic book:

OH OH OH! I have an 80's themed, fancy dress party next weekend... Any ideas??
"Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour" - Fidel Castro
Not much enthusiasm or energy to post at the moment, I did however just start reading this fantastic book:

OH OH OH! I have an 80's themed, fancy dress party next weekend... Any ideas??
"Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour" - Fidel Castro
left the hotel room for the first time in 2 days yesterday to forage for food after being sick. ate some meat on a stick and now feel shitty again. food in vietnam is officially the worst in asia. the secret's in the way cooked meat sits in the open for hours on end, i'm sure. they have iron guts here.
stay frosty.
Or you could go as David Bowie - as the goblin king in the Labryinth!