might slip into another psychotic episode so much bullshit going on in my life I can't wait for the day when my life has stability I need an escape from the inner workings of my fucked up mind it feels like the walls are closing in and my lungs are collapsing I just want to tear out my hair and slash through my skin but I'm trying so hard to maintain my little sanity trying not to relapse it's times like this when I need a violent moshpit to keep me sane and my next moshing is not for another couple months I need to smash something now I hate this feeling it's like something is inside me destroying me from the inside out it's like my heart has collapsed and I need to let the blood out I need physical pain to keep me sane I'm slipping away
you don't own me and no you can't have me you keep me captive and I will collapse

everything that was holding me together is falling apart

this world can kiss my fat ass
you don't own me and no you can't have me you keep me captive and I will collapse

everything that was holding me together is falling apart

this world can kiss my fat ass
listening to that always helps me bleed some aggression out, that and playing hockey........ KISS