Thanks everyone for leaving such great comments on the latest set that I shot for Otoki. It really makes me feel good when people take the time to leave a thoughtful response. So, thanks!
We would both absolutely love to see this one "d20" or her "Susan" set go live, since we put so much time into creating them and they are her first new sets in 2 years! Otoki really deserves a piece of the front page. She works hard, and takes on everything she does with determination and passion. She's not afraid to show her inner geek while giving you something that's spectacularly sexy!
We would both absolutely love to see this one "d20" or her "Susan" set go live, since we put so much time into creating them and they are her first new sets in 2 years! Otoki really deserves a piece of the front page. She works hard, and takes on everything she does with determination and passion. She's not afraid to show her inner geek while giving you something that's spectacularly sexy!
We must hang out soon, I have been running around like a rabid animal and I feel like an asshole because I cannot seem to get my twisted brain out of a knot. The stresses of holidays put a damper on my life! I miss seeing you! Early in the new year, maybe Johnny and I can take a trip out to Philly or you guys can come chill here? I would love it! Please keep in touch...lemme know when you are free! I love ya to death, lady! Have an awesome night!!
Happy Happy NEW YEAR!
Much Love!