So I had my interview... or should I say INTERVIEWS at Kalypsys today. I was interviewed by SIX, COUNT EM, SIX different people today. It was a bit overwhelming, but I think I did fine. Hopefully. I've never gone through such an intensive interviewing process before. I don't want to get my hopes too high for this first attempt...
First, let me say that the Kalypsys building itself is incredibly inpressive. Looks state-of-the-art and beautiful, utilizes the most innovative and cutting edge in technology, and has sleek, modern, and brand-new EVERYTHING. All the cubicles have beautifully designed windows that let in the light and makes the whole place more cheery and a geniunely lighter atmosphere in which to work. I would love to be in a lovely environment like that. It's uplifting. Plus, the KITCHEN is to-die-for!! So sleek and modern, and well, beautiful. I smiled the whole time while I was looking at the place. The halls had little lamps against the walls instead of the usual sterile florescent lighting found in most traditional drone, clone, cookie-cutter office buildings that clutter this world (ie my last office job). I will admit: I feel in love with the Kalypsys building.
Ok, so now talk of the interviews:
The first two ladies were nice, and one of 'em reminded me of a jolly, good-natured grandmother. They both asked me the most questions out of the interviews. Wasn't too bad though - I was prepared. Like the nerd I am, I had practiced what I would say about my significant "accomplishments" and "contributions" and "responsibilities." I exaggerated. I embellished. I said what they wanted to hear.
Then I met with the Human Resources Manager/ Coordinator. She had ice-blue eyes, pasty white skin, and an up-front attitude about everything, which I usually like, but not coming from her. I have a feeling that I won't like her that much if I worked there. She seemed to like me though.
Then came the most intimidating interview of all - with one of the partners of the particular division (legal) I would be working in... Dennis Bennett. He was the typical, uptight, TYPE A lawyer - he used football metaphors and cheesy phrase after phrase, trying to shake me up a bit with his overbearing demeanor and straight-as-an-arrow expression. I wasn't scared off though. I don't easily get scared off. I just do. I am. I kiss ass if I have to. I usually always get what I want if I want it badly enough.
The last two women were UCSD students. The first one, Audrey, had recently graduated with a science degree (I don't remember in which field, I think it was chemistry) and she had a badass black and white striped hairdo. Very well-spoken and intellectually interesting. I remember her from some Psychology classes of mine at UCSD, specifically Psychology and the Arts. She is one of those people I never actually knew, but always NOTICED in my classes. It was hard not to notice Audrey - her hair was changing every other week, she always wore a black leather jacket over her usually dark outfits, and she frequently answered questions in class, always very intelligently. We had a laid-back, conversational style interview. I like her as a person.
Last, but not least, I met with Allison, or Allie, who is still a student, going into her senior year at UCSD as a Sociology major. It was easy and comfortable talking with her because we seemed to have a lot in common. She seems like someone I would hang out with outside of work. She seems fun.
There are two more people whom I still have yet to meet in the department. Mandy Zhang, whose spot I'm taking over... I'm also gaining more responsibilities as well, more legal skills. Then there's the head of the department, Court Tanner... what a name. He's supposedly very charismatic and easygoing. Let's hope so. I'm probably going back for another interview with him on Friday.
Cross your fingers for me.
I hope my karma is good this time around.
First, let me say that the Kalypsys building itself is incredibly inpressive. Looks state-of-the-art and beautiful, utilizes the most innovative and cutting edge in technology, and has sleek, modern, and brand-new EVERYTHING. All the cubicles have beautifully designed windows that let in the light and makes the whole place more cheery and a geniunely lighter atmosphere in which to work. I would love to be in a lovely environment like that. It's uplifting. Plus, the KITCHEN is to-die-for!! So sleek and modern, and well, beautiful. I smiled the whole time while I was looking at the place. The halls had little lamps against the walls instead of the usual sterile florescent lighting found in most traditional drone, clone, cookie-cutter office buildings that clutter this world (ie my last office job). I will admit: I feel in love with the Kalypsys building.
Ok, so now talk of the interviews:
The first two ladies were nice, and one of 'em reminded me of a jolly, good-natured grandmother. They both asked me the most questions out of the interviews. Wasn't too bad though - I was prepared. Like the nerd I am, I had practiced what I would say about my significant "accomplishments" and "contributions" and "responsibilities." I exaggerated. I embellished. I said what they wanted to hear.
Then I met with the Human Resources Manager/ Coordinator. She had ice-blue eyes, pasty white skin, and an up-front attitude about everything, which I usually like, but not coming from her. I have a feeling that I won't like her that much if I worked there. She seemed to like me though.
Then came the most intimidating interview of all - with one of the partners of the particular division (legal) I would be working in... Dennis Bennett. He was the typical, uptight, TYPE A lawyer - he used football metaphors and cheesy phrase after phrase, trying to shake me up a bit with his overbearing demeanor and straight-as-an-arrow expression. I wasn't scared off though. I don't easily get scared off. I just do. I am. I kiss ass if I have to. I usually always get what I want if I want it badly enough.
The last two women were UCSD students. The first one, Audrey, had recently graduated with a science degree (I don't remember in which field, I think it was chemistry) and she had a badass black and white striped hairdo. Very well-spoken and intellectually interesting. I remember her from some Psychology classes of mine at UCSD, specifically Psychology and the Arts. She is one of those people I never actually knew, but always NOTICED in my classes. It was hard not to notice Audrey - her hair was changing every other week, she always wore a black leather jacket over her usually dark outfits, and she frequently answered questions in class, always very intelligently. We had a laid-back, conversational style interview. I like her as a person.
Last, but not least, I met with Allison, or Allie, who is still a student, going into her senior year at UCSD as a Sociology major. It was easy and comfortable talking with her because we seemed to have a lot in common. She seems like someone I would hang out with outside of work. She seems fun.

There are two more people whom I still have yet to meet in the department. Mandy Zhang, whose spot I'm taking over... I'm also gaining more responsibilities as well, more legal skills. Then there's the head of the department, Court Tanner... what a name. He's supposedly very charismatic and easygoing. Let's hope so. I'm probably going back for another interview with him on Friday.
Cross your fingers for me.
I hope my karma is good this time around.

Good luck with the job situation. I hope it works out for you. You're extremely nice and BY FAR the most intelligent person I've met on SG. I appreciate the comments and stuff and I enjoy your posts.
Take care.