Hi everyone - I'm back to say that I will be cancelling my account. I no longer have the time nor the same interest in keeping up with this journal. I used to be such an internet junkie, but I have weaned myself slowly away from my computer addiction. I work all the time now, and the time I do have (about 3.5 hours during...
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Going on hiatus... many things going on right now that I need to take care of... sorry I haven't been around that often, but I need to get my life in order...
**Special note: Hey, Brian Fleming, if you're reading this, could you please call my cell or email me at KitEighan@gmail.com... I really want to get a hold of you and your cell phone...
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**Special note: Hey, Brian Fleming, if you're reading this, could you please call my cell or email me at KitEighan@gmail.com... I really want to get a hold of you and your cell phone...
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have funfunfun!

Hope you get everything in order

those pics are amazing... are they morning or night...happy st paddys day...
Beautiful photos and great Frost poem. Do you like William Stafford by chance?
Where's your dog Toto?
Where's your dog Toto?
Psh, kansas sucks...wait...i live in kansas....for now.
I love thunderstorms too. We should be getting some rain storms around here soon. When the electicity goes out is the best.
I loverz, thank you!! I would write more, but getting ready to pack up the ol computer...
here kitty kitty!
and i know it's not the coast, but those prairie pics look amazing in their own right!
and after that sweet comment on my set, i'm at a loss for words...all i can say is...thanks!

and i know it's not the coast, but those prairie pics look amazing in their own right!
and after that sweet comment on my set, i'm at a loss for words...all i can say is...thanks!

Oh good, your kitty came back.
You can make your job interesting. Pretend you're a psychological investigator and you're trying to assess each customer's state of mind. Decide what sort of thing is going on with their life. It can be training for your other job.
Oh good, your kitty came back.
You can make your job interesting. Pretend you're a psychological investigator and you're trying to assess each customer's state of mind. Decide what sort of thing is going on with their life. It can be training for your other job.
Stolen off my friend Colette's myspace page... I'm bored and I don't feel like writing a "real" journal entry today... so here are my riCOCKulous answers to finish the sentence...
I love ... my boyfriend, my family, my friends... sunny, warm days, ART, poetry, alternative fashion, anything red, the list could go on and on.
I don't understand ... what I was thinking when...
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I love ... my boyfriend, my family, my friends... sunny, warm days, ART, poetry, alternative fashion, anything red, the list could go on and on.
I don't understand ... what I was thinking when...
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u have a nice black humour i even smiled abit
Thank you for your lovely comment on my set 

((((( POOF!! )))))
...and just like that I'm back.
It's been a while since I last updated. When I moved into my quaint house here in Kansas, I wanted to take a break from the internet for a bit, and start getting settled down in a new place and a new pace of life. These past two weeks living "country-style" have been an interesting experience...
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...and just like that I'm back.
It's been a while since I last updated. When I moved into my quaint house here in Kansas, I wanted to take a break from the internet for a bit, and start getting settled down in a new place and a new pace of life. These past two weeks living "country-style" have been an interesting experience...
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Yah, updates with photos even.
Cool, now you can be like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.
I actually would kind of a break like that. To live out in the middle of *nowhere* for a while. I would actually kind of like that.
I'd like to live either in a forest or on a island for a year or more.
No corporate stores huh? That's just like OB, only without the ocean or the hippies.
Well have a fun time out there. You got a big cheese pizza place *and* a bowling alley too? Damn, what more could you want?
Yah, updates with photos even.
Cool, now you can be like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.
I actually would kind of a break like that. To live out in the middle of *nowhere* for a while. I would actually kind of like that.
I'd like to live either in a forest or on a island for a year or more.
No corporate stores huh? That's just like OB, only without the ocean or the hippies.
Well have a fun time out there. You got a big cheese pizza place *and* a bowling alley too? Damn, what more could you want?

It "never was" cause Im picky and I wanted something up to date... ::shrugs::
but no worries, I shot 2 today and LORD ... so fucking weird and fun.
but no worries, I shot 2 today and LORD ... so fucking weird and fun.
I'm getting nervous about moving. I'm leaving Saturday instead of Friday now. I still have so much to do... I've never driven across several states before!! I'll be passing through Arizona, then New Mexico, then Texas, next Oklahoma, and finally arrive in Kansas. I just got my car tuned up, but I'm hoping it doesn't break down in the middle of the desert somewhere. Tomorrow...
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thank you my sweet... things have picked up loads at my place, and wow, such shinanigans will be had.
Glad to hear you are safe and sound... blah! Lets you and I move elsewhere. Fuck the boys. =D
Glad to hear you are safe and sound... blah! Lets you and I move elsewhere. Fuck the boys. =D
I've never really driven at all, so you have an advantage on me! Then again, I'm not moving...
Safe travels and transitions to you, my dear.
Safe travels and transitions to you, my dear.
Thank you everyone for your wonderful birthday wishes!! My 23rd birthday was lovely and spent with friends, fun, and mischief as usual....
And now, for the shocking news:
I'm moving to Independence, Kansas THIS FRIDAY!! Repeat, this Friday!!
Yes, Im aware that its smack in the middle of nowhere, except of course, for those random wheat fields, cows, and dusty roads. Yes, Im aware that...
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And now, for the shocking news:
I'm moving to Independence, Kansas THIS FRIDAY!! Repeat, this Friday!!
Yes, Im aware that its smack in the middle of nowhere, except of course, for those random wheat fields, cows, and dusty roads. Yes, Im aware that...
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Thanks for the sweeet comment on my set! You really made my day 

I saw some posts of yours in the groups/boards and just checked out your journal:
Congratulations on your move! I'm excited for you. I've only ridden across Kansas, but I've really come to like the Midwest precisely because it is so "isolated" compared to the coasts - less distractions, more chances to focus on yourself and those people and things closest to you. There's a stark kind of beauty to the region, if you're open to it.
Good luck to you both.
Congratulations on your move! I'm excited for you. I've only ridden across Kansas, but I've really come to like the Midwest precisely because it is so "isolated" compared to the coasts - less distractions, more chances to focus on yourself and those people and things closest to you. There's a stark kind of beauty to the region, if you're open to it.
Good luck to you both.

Welcome back, hopefully!