I now have a calender. Check it out. It's me...every month...Boobs!
Also, cosfrog has other goodies. You can get a 12 month calender featuring the girls of The Female Canvas. One calender features artistic nudity, while the other does not...but it's all girls with tattoos, including SG's very own Candy and myself.
There are mugs, mousepads, and prints too!
Ten percent of the proceeds go towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
A lot of current events have been pissing me off. What with the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams (long overdue, in my opinion), and the great debate over the so-called "War On Christmas."
Prepare for tangents.
The man was a killer. End of story. I won't even discuss his history/founding of the Crips...
Many of these "pro-lifers" would like to argue that if we're killing someone for killing, it's hypocrisy.
What is the appropriate punishment for the heinous crime of murder? What does set a good example for the youth of today? What are we supposed to do to deter people from committing this crime?
If people think they can murder someone and get away with it...and, yes, taking a person's life while still holding on to yours is getting away with it...Then they will continue to do it on such a large scale.
While confinement is a form of punishment, and it can't be fun by any means, it is hardly paramount to their crimes.
I am not claiming that inmates live a life of luxury, but someone who has murdered someone should not live better than a bum would.
I don't understand how confinement, with a/c, cable, a gym, three meals a day, a library, and visitation rights, could possibly be referred to as "justice" by you people.
If a person finds "God", then good for them...They can explain themselves to the big guy when the time comes.
It's not as though people aren't told what the punishment for murder is. It's not like being sentenced to death is unheard of, and these criminals don't know what they're getting themselves into when they're choking the life out of someone, shooting a child in the head, or chopping someone into bits and pieces.
You know what the fuck is going to happen to you if you choose to commit this crime. It's pretty cut and dry...IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE PUT TO DEATH, THEN DON'T MURDER PEOPLE.
Fuck circumstances, fuck excuses, and fuck penance. Murdering people is wrong, except in cases of self-defense. In my opinion, the death penalty is a form of's protecting the lives/interests of the public.
In regards to the "Holiday Tree" debate, call the god-damned tree whatever you want, because it has nothing to do with Christmas to begin with. Christmas is not about the tree, the presents, or Santa. Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Have you Christians become so detached from your faith that something this simple becomes a national crisis?
Don't give me that, "Call it what it is" bullshit, either. It's not a fucking Christmas tree, you uneducated sack of shit. It's a Yule tree.
The Pagans would chop down a pine tree and place it in their homes during the winter, that way they could have a piece of nature with them and still be protected from the elements.
Christ, as some of you know, was not born in December. The Church placed the celebration on a date that would coincide with the Pagan Yule. Many Christians were still continuing to celebrate Yule with the Pagans, which was frowned upon by the Church. Despite their best efforts, they could not deter them. So, as a sort of atonement, Christmas was set on Yule.
Many other things that have come to represent Christmas were also stolen from the Pagans. Holly flourished in the womb of winter, very symbolic to the Pagans. The Druids have recently revealed the mystery of the mistletoe...the Mistletoe had long been revered as a symbol of fertility amongst we know that's because the juice created by the mistletoe berries has the same consistency and look of semen.
There are many other points to this, but I hope that I have given you a little more insight...
If you're going to argue something, get your shit straight and know your facts. Don't bitch about how people aren't calling the tree "what it really is", because your dumb ass isn't even calling the tree what it really is. A Yule tree...Or quite simply, a fucking tree!!!
Call it whatever the fuck you want...and say whatever the fuck you want. Just know that there are other people in the world, most of whom are not Christian, and they're more than likely offended that you would assume that they celebrate Christmas.
Also, I would like to add that if you're pissed off that the cards the White House has sent out says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", get the fuck out of my country and move to the Middle East, because there they'll actually tolerate your religious bigotry.
These cards are being sent all over the entire world. Do you sincerely believe that all the recipients are Christian? And, if you are smart enough to know otherwise, do you think that a lousy "Merry Christmas" card will sway them to invest themselves in Christianity? I doubt it.
Saying "Happy Holidays" is not denying your faith, nor is it denying your Lord. It is simply being compassionate, understanding, tolerant, and accepting. Aren't those characteristics what Jesus taught to begin with?
The kitty loves my boobs:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gerard Way is delicious...
So, I'm sick again. When I woke up Sunday morning, I had some lower back pain and a thumping headache.
When I got home from work on Sunday night, my back pain had increased dramatically, and my whole head was stuffy and aching. I crawled onto the couch and wrapped myself up in my comforter. It was coooold.
I decided to take my temperature. 101.4.
A thought came to me...Could I have another kidney infection?
I went to work the next day for a couple hours...I felt horrible. I was dizzy. But, I still slapped on that smile and made sales.
My boss let me go home...thank goodness. I went to the doctor. He prescribed three separate medications: bactrum for my UTI/kidney, ibuprofen for aches, and some other crap for my sinuses.
I am since feeling slightly better...I slip in and out of fevers.
I'm supposed to go back and get an ultrasound of my kidneys. What happens after that, I have no clue...
Big picture, big ta-tas:
Go to this thread and tell us a secret...I've told a handful. All of which are...kind of boring.
I now have a calender. Check it out. It's me...every month...Boobs!
Also, cosfrog has other goodies. You can get a 12 month calender featuring the girls of The Female Canvas. One calender features artistic nudity, while the other does not...but it's all girls with tattoos, including SG's very own Candy and myself.
There are mugs, mousepads, and prints too!
Ten percent of the proceeds go towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

A lot of current events have been pissing me off. What with the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams (long overdue, in my opinion), and the great debate over the so-called "War On Christmas."
Prepare for tangents.
The man was a killer. End of story. I won't even discuss his history/founding of the Crips...
Many of these "pro-lifers" would like to argue that if we're killing someone for killing, it's hypocrisy.
What is the appropriate punishment for the heinous crime of murder? What does set a good example for the youth of today? What are we supposed to do to deter people from committing this crime?
If people think they can murder someone and get away with it...and, yes, taking a person's life while still holding on to yours is getting away with it...Then they will continue to do it on such a large scale.
While confinement is a form of punishment, and it can't be fun by any means, it is hardly paramount to their crimes.
I am not claiming that inmates live a life of luxury, but someone who has murdered someone should not live better than a bum would.
I don't understand how confinement, with a/c, cable, a gym, three meals a day, a library, and visitation rights, could possibly be referred to as "justice" by you people.
If a person finds "God", then good for them...They can explain themselves to the big guy when the time comes.
It's not as though people aren't told what the punishment for murder is. It's not like being sentenced to death is unheard of, and these criminals don't know what they're getting themselves into when they're choking the life out of someone, shooting a child in the head, or chopping someone into bits and pieces.
You know what the fuck is going to happen to you if you choose to commit this crime. It's pretty cut and dry...IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE PUT TO DEATH, THEN DON'T MURDER PEOPLE.
Fuck circumstances, fuck excuses, and fuck penance. Murdering people is wrong, except in cases of self-defense. In my opinion, the death penalty is a form of's protecting the lives/interests of the public.
In regards to the "Holiday Tree" debate, call the god-damned tree whatever you want, because it has nothing to do with Christmas to begin with. Christmas is not about the tree, the presents, or Santa. Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Have you Christians become so detached from your faith that something this simple becomes a national crisis?
Don't give me that, "Call it what it is" bullshit, either. It's not a fucking Christmas tree, you uneducated sack of shit. It's a Yule tree.
The Pagans would chop down a pine tree and place it in their homes during the winter, that way they could have a piece of nature with them and still be protected from the elements.
Christ, as some of you know, was not born in December. The Church placed the celebration on a date that would coincide with the Pagan Yule. Many Christians were still continuing to celebrate Yule with the Pagans, which was frowned upon by the Church. Despite their best efforts, they could not deter them. So, as a sort of atonement, Christmas was set on Yule.
Many other things that have come to represent Christmas were also stolen from the Pagans. Holly flourished in the womb of winter, very symbolic to the Pagans. The Druids have recently revealed the mystery of the mistletoe...the Mistletoe had long been revered as a symbol of fertility amongst we know that's because the juice created by the mistletoe berries has the same consistency and look of semen.
There are many other points to this, but I hope that I have given you a little more insight...
If you're going to argue something, get your shit straight and know your facts. Don't bitch about how people aren't calling the tree "what it really is", because your dumb ass isn't even calling the tree what it really is. A Yule tree...Or quite simply, a fucking tree!!!
Call it whatever the fuck you want...and say whatever the fuck you want. Just know that there are other people in the world, most of whom are not Christian, and they're more than likely offended that you would assume that they celebrate Christmas.
Also, I would like to add that if you're pissed off that the cards the White House has sent out says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", get the fuck out of my country and move to the Middle East, because there they'll actually tolerate your religious bigotry.
These cards are being sent all over the entire world. Do you sincerely believe that all the recipients are Christian? And, if you are smart enough to know otherwise, do you think that a lousy "Merry Christmas" card will sway them to invest themselves in Christianity? I doubt it.
Saying "Happy Holidays" is not denying your faith, nor is it denying your Lord. It is simply being compassionate, understanding, tolerant, and accepting. Aren't those characteristics what Jesus taught to begin with?

The kitty loves my boobs:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Gerard Way is delicious...

So, I'm sick again. When I woke up Sunday morning, I had some lower back pain and a thumping headache.
When I got home from work on Sunday night, my back pain had increased dramatically, and my whole head was stuffy and aching. I crawled onto the couch and wrapped myself up in my comforter. It was coooold.
I decided to take my temperature. 101.4.
A thought came to me...Could I have another kidney infection?
I went to work the next day for a couple hours...I felt horrible. I was dizzy. But, I still slapped on that smile and made sales.
My boss let me go home...thank goodness. I went to the doctor. He prescribed three separate medications: bactrum for my UTI/kidney, ibuprofen for aches, and some other crap for my sinuses.
I am since feeling slightly better...I slip in and out of fevers.
I'm supposed to go back and get an ultrasound of my kidneys. What happens after that, I have no clue...

Big picture, big ta-tas:

Go to this thread and tell us a secret...I've told a handful. All of which are...kind of boring.

[Edited on Dec 25, 2005 11:21AM]