Work:... Was 3-12 hr shifts again, I worked half of it with a very nice girl so it was tolerable instead of the usual soul eating pit !
Canoeing:... I pushed my limits this week; I was on cedar creek, Killsnake River, the north branch / south branch & Main River in 2 counties. I canoed through willow thickets, swamp grass, weed choked channels and... Read More
I finished canoeing all the main waters in killsnake marsh, the rest of the side creeks in it will have to wait until the water level raises. Canoed the main river to the next marsh in the system, it's a bigger one and I've already planned the first trip into it for next week!
The first week of my new life was nice, I really do feel like some things changed for the better in me. I worked hard the first 3 days and then went exploring and canoeing the last 4 days. Except for work it was fun and that's what really matters in the end ! Right ?
My New Life ! ;
Yesterday was the auction and the farm is gone !! That put a definite end to my old life! From today on I will try to look forward and enjoy the journey of my new life instead of looking back and agonizing over every mistake and wrong turn I ever made.
My plan is working , I'm finding beauty in... Read More
Enjoy the journey ; Mortal life on this earth is short , although I tend to deny this fact and always dream that it will be better in the future when.I win the lotteryI get a better jobwhen I get a better carwhen I meet someonewhen something happens.
When I drove truck every Friday was a route to Madison , one summer there was a... Read More
Yeah I admit I fucked up with the topics in the wrong section. I guess it is because I've been smoking so much ganja lately that every thing is silly. Hence, my posting every thing in the silliness section.
LIFE AS A BATTLE; It was suggested to me recently that looking at life as a battle might not be the best way to approach it !
For me life is a battle : I battle the urge to pick up the bottle one more time for JUST one more drink , To pick up the pipe for Just one more hit ! My mind... Read More
Ok ! if you read my last blog you know I'm working on a plan to cheer up my sorrowful ass ! I'm tired of being locked in the dark side of my brain , it's not a good place to be and damn hard to escape from.!!
youre sweet. thankyou for the tagline suggestion, i may change it soon, ill have to see if losing this weight maybe changes the way i see myself, or maybe ill change to something comical. ill see.