So, my recently pierced nose ring is infected, & I'm not sure what to do about it. I constantly clean it with peroxide and/or alcohol, but it keeps crusting up and is red & sore. I don't want to take it out, so does anyone have any ideas to help the infection go away?
I absolutely do not use anything but sea salt (uniodized at the very least) on all my piercings. I feel like alcohol and peroxide are too harsh on an open wound (excepting surgery, and a piercing should be treated more or less like a wound) and since I switched to sea salt I've had no problems. It took me 6 times piercing my nipples to finally get them to fully heal and not have problems that evolved into taking them out. Seeeeeea salt!I get mine from my local tattoo and piercing shop for free with my piercings these days. :)
I used sea salt & I took the hoop out, covered it in neosporin & put in back in every day for the last week. I think it's fully healed now! Thank you everybody! 😘