so so and so.... i've been about traveling seeing old landscapes around the country i hadn't seen in quite some time.
not to get sentimental but four years went by in a flash yet so so so SOOOO much has changed.
i hit up chitown and hooked up with some old friends(one of which i wish i might have not literally hooked up but then this whole chasity thing got me wondering what sex was like and if i was still any good at it and the score reads 8-0 i shut her out though i wish i might have had an orgasm of my pwn and all). so have decent looks doesn't get me off anymore. i guess it's a bit of killer looks and a hell of a lot of personality. shit i've become like a woman less attracted by the visual and more by the mental. that's a good thing i suppose but that's getting too personal for me.
so i'm living in st. louis, mo right now. i'm not overly impressed in fact underimpressed by this town spread out across half the state about now.
so why am i living in st. louis. my pops had a stroke and i felt a bit of an obligation to near my family. also i wanted to be close to one of my bestest friends in the world. but he works and goes to school all the time so...
two of my friends have announced to me they are getting married after dating for at the minimum half a decade and living with the their future spouses. i have been asked to be the best man in each one. i guess this means i have a bit of character. i guess. hmmm....
also i have been working on the writing. and not being bothered by various deployments and work. actually i'm getting paid by the government currently. i got unemployment and a more than enough money in the bank.
the writing though is coming out pretty damn good though i have been slowly easing myself back into it. i have a novel in progress that could be something a bit special, a short story in the rewrite process and another possible story or novel on the backburner. i wish i could be more specific on the writing but in the past when i was too inexperiemced to write clearly about life and was in development i had a bunch of story ideas lifted. at least they were done better than i coud have done at the time.
so much going on....and nothin going on at the same time.
planning a trip to virginia to see family and friends and also planning on a euro trip.
not to get sentimental but four years went by in a flash yet so so so SOOOO much has changed.
i hit up chitown and hooked up with some old friends(one of which i wish i might have not literally hooked up but then this whole chasity thing got me wondering what sex was like and if i was still any good at it and the score reads 8-0 i shut her out though i wish i might have had an orgasm of my pwn and all). so have decent looks doesn't get me off anymore. i guess it's a bit of killer looks and a hell of a lot of personality. shit i've become like a woman less attracted by the visual and more by the mental. that's a good thing i suppose but that's getting too personal for me.
so i'm living in st. louis, mo right now. i'm not overly impressed in fact underimpressed by this town spread out across half the state about now.
so why am i living in st. louis. my pops had a stroke and i felt a bit of an obligation to near my family. also i wanted to be close to one of my bestest friends in the world. but he works and goes to school all the time so...
two of my friends have announced to me they are getting married after dating for at the minimum half a decade and living with the their future spouses. i have been asked to be the best man in each one. i guess this means i have a bit of character. i guess. hmmm....
also i have been working on the writing. and not being bothered by various deployments and work. actually i'm getting paid by the government currently. i got unemployment and a more than enough money in the bank.
the writing though is coming out pretty damn good though i have been slowly easing myself back into it. i have a novel in progress that could be something a bit special, a short story in the rewrite process and another possible story or novel on the backburner. i wish i could be more specific on the writing but in the past when i was too inexperiemced to write clearly about life and was in development i had a bunch of story ideas lifted. at least they were done better than i coud have done at the time.
so much going on....and nothin going on at the same time.
planning a trip to virginia to see family and friends and also planning on a euro trip.
Educate me, what's a bleeding truth? It can't be as offensive as what I'm thinking it is.
Yes it makes sense to segregate and separate prisoners. However the treatment they receive has to humane as stated by the Geneva Convention. Not to pick on the USA but if the only superpower flaunts this then that will encourage lesser nations to do so also and the convention itself becomes worthless. One way to win 'hearts and minds' is by demonstrating the laws of the land being upheld. What's the quote from Gangs of New York:... 'The appearance of the law must be upheld, especially when it's being broken.' The crazies in power have forgotten this. Years from now we'll feel the brunt from them aggrieved peoples, economic or otherwise.
See the simulated drowning bit in the film. Dick Cheney says there's nothing wrong with it. The Nazi's refused to do it because they found it 'inhumane'.
You must watch 'War on Democracy' by John Pilger. It's about what the USA have to South America over the years - like you mentioned. 'Breaking the Silence' is another one of his to check out. That deals with Afghanistan and 'the crazies'.
One thing about this period of history. There will be an active effort from our descendants to make sure it never repeats itself again.
One thing I've noticed in my years as a shithouse scrubber (don't laugh too hard, I work by myself, there's zero concentration involved and meet a lot of cool people) is that a piece of paper that says BA/MA Hons... whatever, is that there seems to be a large trade-off in sense. The little simple things in life that seem obvious are oblivious to these people. I look at these situations and can easily see me being one of them had I continued to uni. The days of me sitting down in a classroom and listen to people I'm paying for prattling on about shit I really am not interested in are dead. It's more rewarding learning about things oneself. The economics of the nation do not think so and discriminates against the solo way. But so what. As long as one is happy without directly harming others then that's all one should care about.
I've never seen anyone kicked out a classroom for questioning a teacher but I have heard of it. In high school my friend Kenneth in Maths when the teacher stated that it is 50-50 that a coin will land on heads or tails. Kenneth said that wasn't quite true -- what if it landed on its edge. Cue argument which the teacher couldn't handle and she ended up chucking him out of the class. Funny yet pathetic. Anyone who wants to be a secondary teacher without mixing it up in the grime of the real world (ie military, police, emergency services, etc) needs their head examined.
Where's that Top 5 Seagal films list?
It is stunning to read of your experiences in Iraq. I'm shocked but not overly so to hear of the inflated figures in these explosions. I thought society would be above propaganda by now but we still cannot smell it when wafted in our faces. Anything to keep this adventure palatable.
It's fact the CIA tortures people or else why write up a manual - for a laugh?
I'd love to hear about the people you helped.
I'm not for one second saying the US is alone in being guilty for all the world's sins. The UK has behaved shockingly. If I can point you to this here documentary. What's gone on here is right up there in terms of shocking behaviour. The worst of it is that it was a Labour government (when they were left-wing) that made it happen and New Labour (now centrist, arguably leaning right) that maintains the situation. Rancid. Utterly rancid.
An interesting site. Feckload of documentaries.
That Iranian dude makes me laugh, he really does. For such an educated man he really talks some crap. No homosexuals in his country. The holocaust didn't happen. What a tool.
Anyway Seagal films: The 5 you must see.
1) Under Siege (suspect you have)
2) Out For Justice (same here)
3) Urban Justice (his latest, so badass)
4) Hard to Kill (just because)
5) Out of Reach (saw this film just hours after putting the dog down on my birthday. Will bring a smile to anyone's face