It has been a really tough work week. My exboss continued to slander me and it hit a head on Tuesday. Based on her lies I had multiple fingers pointing at me for things that were totally out of my control. She is just pissed that since I left her business has dropped like a rock and she doesnt want to admit that the two people she hired to replace me are lazy idiots.
I will tell you I was really feeling down, desperate, and angry on Tuesday. Luckily, I kept good records and good documentation. I have worked for this company seven years and never thought that this would happen to me. I always thought I was well respected by everyone . Respect that was earned through hard work and loyalty. It is amazing how quick people can turn. Even people you trust.
Based on my records and documentation, Management and HR are seeing through her lies. Another plus is that my old account sent a email to my management on what a great job I did and the support I gave. Additional, they sent an email stating that both Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb are doing a terrible job and want them off the account. I know it is bad but I am taking great pleasure in this. They were just parrots repeating whatever their new mastered commanded. Talked a lot of shit and pointed major fingers. I started my new job in January and I have now spent months continuing to hand hold and train them. Fucking assholes. I hope they rot. But I am finally starting to feel vindicated.
Wish me luck that all of this will be over tomorrow. I can honestly say I have never felt so much stress and anxiety as I have in the last three months. And the funny part is I should really be feeling up. I am kicking major ass in my new position. I hit my goal the first month in. I am almost 600% of goal now (unfortunately, capped at 125%). But all this success has been overshadowed by me constantly having to justify and protect myself.
Well, thanks for letting me vent.
Though you ladies would find this funny:

I will tell you I was really feeling down, desperate, and angry on Tuesday. Luckily, I kept good records and good documentation. I have worked for this company seven years and never thought that this would happen to me. I always thought I was well respected by everyone . Respect that was earned through hard work and loyalty. It is amazing how quick people can turn. Even people you trust.
Based on my records and documentation, Management and HR are seeing through her lies. Another plus is that my old account sent a email to my management on what a great job I did and the support I gave. Additional, they sent an email stating that both Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb are doing a terrible job and want them off the account. I know it is bad but I am taking great pleasure in this. They were just parrots repeating whatever their new mastered commanded. Talked a lot of shit and pointed major fingers. I started my new job in January and I have now spent months continuing to hand hold and train them. Fucking assholes. I hope they rot. But I am finally starting to feel vindicated.
Wish me luck that all of this will be over tomorrow. I can honestly say I have never felt so much stress and anxiety as I have in the last three months. And the funny part is I should really be feeling up. I am kicking major ass in my new position. I hit my goal the first month in. I am almost 600% of goal now (unfortunately, capped at 125%). But all this success has been overshadowed by me constantly having to justify and protect myself.
Well, thanks for letting me vent.
Though you ladies would find this funny:

I don't think I will ever be able to have a cup of coffee with u. Unless I get 2 to go and go running after you in the middle of your crazy life.............
Pointing fingers is child's play. It's really stressful to go through but it's because you're the one doing all the work while everyone else has got their tongue in someone's ear talking shit (aka evnying you). Know you are the better man. By the way you explain things, you most definately are.