Just saw kick-ass, that movie was awsome, a few scenes with bad CGI, but other than that its pretty good and keeps my love of women in skirts alive.
i found this article about the male brain that i thought was really interesting. its by Dr. Louann Brizendine.
i wont post the whole article, just a link and some interesting points in it.
"To a man, this is the most natural response in the world, so he's dismayed by how betrayed his wife or girlfriend feels when she sees him eyeing another woman. Men...
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i wont post the whole article, just a link and some interesting points in it.
"To a man, this is the most natural response in the world, so he's dismayed by how betrayed his wife or girlfriend feels when she sees him eyeing another woman. Men...
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thinking about getting snakebites...
a friend pointed out something about me... my voice gets high pitched when i'm lying. might explain why i'm such a bad liar.

hmm a few things have been on my mind lately, one is college, i'm only in my first year at a community college and im wondering how things will go. the current economy makes it hard to pay for anything, let alone an education. so it was recommended that i go into the military to pay for it, which is becoming something that i'm going...
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time seems to be flying by right now. i wish it wasnt, there are so many things that i need to get done.
but thinking about time makes me think about how if it were possible, that i would go back and redo so many things.
but thinking about time makes me think about how if it were possible, that i would go back and redo so many things.
hey I'm not that old. just experienced. :p
What's weird about it is that it really feels like I was just in high school a few years ago, but then i got invited to my ten year reunion. it didn't seem so long ago until it had been a full decade.
i really enjoy looking through the hopeful sets, get to see new stuff and i think some of it is hotter than some SG sets
^^ being one of my all time favorites
^^ being one of my all time favorites
I know! She is super hot!
irrational fears... i just thought about a weird fear i have and how if i really think about it, it could never happen. at work there is a cardboard bailer, you put the cardboard in, close the metal gate and hit go. the gate is held down by a metal bar and an electro magnet.
but somehow in my mind i have a fear that...
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but somehow in my mind i have a fear that...
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so i'm on medicine for depression, and one of the side effects that i wasnt warned about is having the wierdest dreams i've ever had. and its not an every once and a while thing, its every night. but i'm not complaining, they are really entertaining. other than that the only other side effect i've noticed is not going as fast in bed. :p but...
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id say so! haha i got off it after 2 months, couldnt handle it!
lol! you probably would love it to much haha
it makes food taste better
makes sex feel better
makes your day so much more relaxed,
andd it gives you the best sleep everrrrrrrrrrrr
amazing stuff lol
buttt its weird, when i first tryed it, i liked it, but hated smoking, lol took me awhile to get used to it, i loved being high but hated smoking, and rolling a joint, took FOREVER to master.
but, its amazing lol
it makes food taste better
makes sex feel better
makes your day so much more relaxed,
andd it gives you the best sleep everrrrrrrrrrrr
amazing stuff lol
buttt its weird, when i first tryed it, i liked it, but hated smoking, lol took me awhile to get used to it, i loved being high but hated smoking, and rolling a joint, took FOREVER to master.
but, its amazing lol