happy new year all, i kind of hate new years' resolutions because they are things that are easy to forget and discard. i dont really plan on making any like "i want to lose weight" because i know that i would probably give up if i did anything more than my casual stuff that im already doing. my resolution will be more of... be a...
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thank you
i guess i'm not a horrible person, i just know the areas where i'm at fault and think i should fix em
That's good. Most people don't figure that kind of stuff out until they are in their 30's, if they ever figure it out at all.
went to see the movie Avatar and i really liked it. the world that they created was beautiful, and the creatures were amazing. but i was also really excited at the previews that were shown; clash of the titans looks epic, while Alice in wonderland looks amazing. And being done by Tim Burton i know it will be totally awesome.
i was talking with a friend the other day at work, he works over in the hardware department, and this lady comes up and says, "I need some Caulk!" (the l is silent) we kind of just looked at her oddly for a minute and then showed her where it was.
Are you and your friends 5?
no. it is a bit immature and stupid, i just thought it was good for a chuckle.
so I work at wal mart on the weekends (go to college during the week) and it has been really crazy there lately because of christmas. Normally i dont mind crazy because it means more work to be done, and time goes by faster. But this week the store laid off 25 seasonal workers because sales havent been as good as past years. Which really...
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Don't you just love hearing about old perve's sex lives? Eeew.
a friend of mine was asked to pose for SG, and i had already heard of and been interesting in SG, so i finally got a membership
a friend of mine posed for SG and i was already interested in SG, but i finally decided to get a membership