Today must have been, on some psychic level, "Tell-potential-applicants-you've-selected-someone-else-for-the-job" day. I received four of them within an hour. If a person is well-qualified but there are 1000 other applicants, it makes it rather difficult to get the job. That figure boggles my mind. One employer told me that my credentials were some of the most amazing he had ever seen, but that due to the vast volume of other worthy applicants, he had been forced to select someone else. I believe he was telling me the truth, though it is certainly hollow consolation in any case.
If it were my responsibility to select the best qualified candidate, all things being equal, I wouldn't know what criteria to use to select the best of the bunch. One never really knows what goes on behind the scenes and I wonder if I'd really like to know why because I'm sure things like personal bias, rivalry, and pettiness probably are a factor more than they themselves would wish to acknowledge.
So in the meantime, your humble narrator trudges onward in this harsh winter of bad economic times, unemployment, ridiculous competition, and decreased job prospects.
If it were my responsibility to select the best qualified candidate, all things being equal, I wouldn't know what criteria to use to select the best of the bunch. One never really knows what goes on behind the scenes and I wonder if I'd really like to know why because I'm sure things like personal bias, rivalry, and pettiness probably are a factor more than they themselves would wish to acknowledge.
So in the meantime, your humble narrator trudges onward in this harsh winter of bad economic times, unemployment, ridiculous competition, and decreased job prospects.