I ended up getting into a Feminist debate with N over Google Chat for most of the morning. It ended up growing into a blog post over at my primary site, then was cross-posted on a whim to Daily Kos. It received 97 comments as a journal, but I deliberately didn't read any of them. Kossacks are famously much like overgrown children, prone to ranting and completely misunderstanding subtlety. Rather than wade through some almost assuredly negative feedback, I'd rather let them stew in their own misplaced outrage. They'll find another reason to hoist their internet pitchforks within a day.
I checked the post again this afternoon and realized it had about five places where language needed to be refined, spelling needed to be corrected, and awkward language needed to be removed. I rarely end up with a first draft that is close to perfect, though this one wasn't the worst I've ever put down, either. I felt as though it needed to be said. What's more, I'm putting out applications for blogging jobs and when I have a free moment, I need to be making sure there is something of quality posted there every day.
Speaking of which, the job search has officially reached tedium status. At latest count, I have put in 250 applications. I have been at the task five long weeks. One wonders how much longer it will be before I see some results, i.e. an interview. Still, I know nothing happens overnight and I'd be foolish to expect otherwise. The only jobs which interview you promptly are places where they are desperate (dysfunctional workplace) or pay absolutely nothing.
I checked the post again this afternoon and realized it had about five places where language needed to be refined, spelling needed to be corrected, and awkward language needed to be removed. I rarely end up with a first draft that is close to perfect, though this one wasn't the worst I've ever put down, either. I felt as though it needed to be said. What's more, I'm putting out applications for blogging jobs and when I have a free moment, I need to be making sure there is something of quality posted there every day.
Speaking of which, the job search has officially reached tedium status. At latest count, I have put in 250 applications. I have been at the task five long weeks. One wonders how much longer it will be before I see some results, i.e. an interview. Still, I know nothing happens overnight and I'd be foolish to expect otherwise. The only jobs which interview you promptly are places where they are desperate (dysfunctional workplace) or pay absolutely nothing.