I troll p2p programs and independent websites for amateur porn. Aside from the obvious gratification it provides me, it also appeals to my voyeuristic side. After years of doing this, I've been a fly on the wall of so many bedrooms now that I feel as though I might well could have actually been there at the time. That's one of the unforeseen consequences of cheap digital cameras. And through it all, I recognize yet again that for all of our pretenses towards individualism, we are more alike then we would like to admit.
Tonight I witnessed two slightly geeky females giving fellatio to a man with mountain man-style unkempt hair, a prominent tattoo running from his left hip to his thigh, and a pieced penis. The girl with the short bobbed pixie haircut, eyebrow piercing, eyeglasses, and obvious intelligence did a much better job. The slightly more attractive friend wearing the black Rolling Stones tank top was quite earnest in what she was doing, but not nearly as skilled as her friend. The entire scenario took place in what appeared to be a camper and if I had to guess, it was filmed in between acts at a music festival.
When I view a thing like this, I am not filled with envy, cursing my fate that such a thing has never happened to me. Instead, I feel like I know these people somehow. I worry sometimes that I'm going to recognize someone I've seen performing a sex act on a video or picture and confuse them with someone I actually know. Introducing yourself to someone you've seen in a very compromising position could be potentially quite awkward. When the model in question is obviously getting paid for it and knows his/her image will be beamed out across the internet, that is a different matter altogether.
Tonight I witnessed two slightly geeky females giving fellatio to a man with mountain man-style unkempt hair, a prominent tattoo running from his left hip to his thigh, and a pieced penis. The girl with the short bobbed pixie haircut, eyebrow piercing, eyeglasses, and obvious intelligence did a much better job. The slightly more attractive friend wearing the black Rolling Stones tank top was quite earnest in what she was doing, but not nearly as skilled as her friend. The entire scenario took place in what appeared to be a camper and if I had to guess, it was filmed in between acts at a music festival.
When I view a thing like this, I am not filled with envy, cursing my fate that such a thing has never happened to me. Instead, I feel like I know these people somehow. I worry sometimes that I'm going to recognize someone I've seen performing a sex act on a video or picture and confuse them with someone I actually know. Introducing yourself to someone you've seen in a very compromising position could be potentially quite awkward. When the model in question is obviously getting paid for it and knows his/her image will be beamed out across the internet, that is a different matter altogether.