1. Applied for six jobs using three separate websites. Bullshitted my way through half of the applications and spent hours filling out unnecessarily complicated forms/supplemental information, none of which was standardized between company and/or government agency. Big surprise that. I wish I didn't have to sound like Mary Poppins incarnate in writing cover letters or teaching philosophies.
2 Talked to E on the phone for an hour, placating her fears. The poor dear had a disturbing dream last night in which she was informed by my parents that I died as a result of a massive seizure. Or in short, she misses me terribly. I have to keep in mind that I really am the first serious boyfriend she's ever had and if she seems a little clingy as a result it's because she hasn't had much experience in this department. I am sympathetic, but it's difficult for me to place myself back in time, back into a different incarnation when I acted this way. In those days I was much less self-assured and far more insecure as a result.
3. Spoke to The Blonde about obtaining a psychologist. Medicaid provided her with a list of fifty or sixty psychologist who accept government coverage in this city. She passed it along via e-mail and now it's up to me to determine which of them is lying, or which of them limit analysis to those under the age of twenty-one. I tried this before nine months ago and had not much success, but at least if none of this pans out, The Blonde assures me there are other options available.
4. Found myself tremendously fatigued by three o'clock in the afternoon, which a staff of doctors could not explain. I can either stress out about it or speak to another doctor here. I'm leaning towards the latter.
2 Talked to E on the phone for an hour, placating her fears. The poor dear had a disturbing dream last night in which she was informed by my parents that I died as a result of a massive seizure. Or in short, she misses me terribly. I have to keep in mind that I really am the first serious boyfriend she's ever had and if she seems a little clingy as a result it's because she hasn't had much experience in this department. I am sympathetic, but it's difficult for me to place myself back in time, back into a different incarnation when I acted this way. In those days I was much less self-assured and far more insecure as a result.
3. Spoke to The Blonde about obtaining a psychologist. Medicaid provided her with a list of fifty or sixty psychologist who accept government coverage in this city. She passed it along via e-mail and now it's up to me to determine which of them is lying, or which of them limit analysis to those under the age of twenty-one. I tried this before nine months ago and had not much success, but at least if none of this pans out, The Blonde assures me there are other options available.
4. Found myself tremendously fatigued by three o'clock in the afternoon, which a staff of doctors could not explain. I can either stress out about it or speak to another doctor here. I'm leaning towards the latter.