You'd never see this nowadays, would you?

This is about as naked as this journal's going to get today.
With apologies to the O.Henry

Two hundred and seventy-five job applications. That was all. And each of them exhaustively, strategically analyzed by a practiced gambler like the newest hand at a poker table. Jobs entered one and two at a time by bulldozing e-mail servers, exaggeration, and false humanity until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of counterfeit sincerity that such close dealing implied....
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I ended up getting into a Feminist debate with N over Google Chat for most of the morning. It ended up growing into a blog post over at my primary site, then was cross-posted on a whim to Daily Kos. It received 97 comments as a journal, but I deliberately didn't read any of them. Kossacks are famously much like overgrown children, prone to ranting...
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Tomorrow will be a day to rest sore muscles. I will not lift and will instead do only cardio. If I wasn't so addicted to my aerobic exercise, I might even consider the unpardonable sin of not even bothering to go to the gym at all. Part of the reason I am sore is that I decided to try out a different machine that simulates...
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Happy Earth Day! smile
Same to you!

1. The woman at the gym in the red striped workout suit. She sprints, flailing about for an hour on the treadmill, then does thirty minutes on the elliptical. Naturally, she is as thin as a rail. I can't say I envy her devotion, though I do wonder how she has the stamina for it. It makes me tired just looking at her go....
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I have decided not to revisit my High School Class of 1999 by way of the reunion. Here it is.

These days, every function or event has its own corresponding Facebook page. So it is with my 10th High School Reunion which will be held in early August. The intent of the page was for people to confirm their attendance, indicating whether or not they...
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Turnout at the gym was very light this morning. This surprises me quite a bit because weekends before were always packed. Not only that, the place was running a promotion last week whereby those who signed up by a certain date were charged only one dollar for the first month. I myself saw fifty new people being shown round the premises after having agreed to...
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E has a way to describe the kind of fatigue one feels at the end of the day. She calls it "being hit by the tired stick". Well, in that spirit, the tired stick descended early today.

I got up early today, ate a brief breakfast of blueberry flavored mini-wheats, then departed for the gym. After doing the cardio, I noticed within the first few...
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One-hundred-eighty applications in three and a half weeks, to be exact. With the economy the way it is, the market is not exactly fantastic for seekers. It's unfortunate that we met at probably the worst time for me to get a job. I bet most employers are getting inundated with lots of applications, all from equally qualified applicants. At this point, I'm asking for a...
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This is dedicated to TheRedQueen


Have I mentioned before how much I hate driving?

I admit freely I am not a good driver. I also admit freely that when I am preoccupied with other concerns I have a tendency to turn my focus away from the actual act of navigation itself. This is why I ended up running into the back of a car...
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My mother's first book will be published and ready for purchase on 1 May. Entitled Creating the Best Literacy Block Ever: A Framework for Successfully Managing, Teaching, and Assessing in an Extended Literacy Block, it is available for pre-order purchase here. Mom's Book

For those of you who care about Early Childhood Education and teaching reading to grades K-3, this book will be right...
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