I finally have internet again. Moved into the new house last week. What a long fucking nightmare. I'm glad its finally over.
CONGRATS and Welcome to CG!!! biggrin
hey you. i was with jordan that intire time when i wasnt taking photos. i bet ya we met. i had blood running down my cleavage.
hows casa grande bebe??
Just finished my 2 week vacation. I basically planned to spend the first week partying and the second trying to be responsible and finish some projects. It worked out pretty well. From what I can remember I had a really good time. Went skydiving a couple times and finished getting everything in storage. Only 45 days until I finally get to move into the new...
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Not long before you'll be a CG'er, hanging out at the Wal-Mart for good times!
At this point that sounds like a good time. I feel like a damn nomad waiting for this house to get finished.
What a great weekend..I dont need to get drunk every weekend but maybe I should. Saw my cousins band play Demon City Wreckers. They're a psycore band from Tucson. Kick ass time. Got a little drunk Sat night and my buddy sloc-dizzle and I decided to go skydiving on Sunday. I think Im hooked, I havent stopped thinking about how much fun that was since....
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You got it... a LOT of driving up to Phx/Tempe or wherever. There are a couple of bars that have a dj on the weekends but they can get ghetto! We do have some friends around here though who we'll go out with to those places with on occassion. Ummmm, there's an outdoor skatepark, and a crummy movie theatre, but we do have the mall coming next year some time. Chili's is good for an after work drink at times and hey, if all else fails, we've got Wal Mart wink . I'm not trying to turn you off to CG or anything, but we have a way to go before we can compare to Phx as far as what there is to do for a social life.

I was considering buying a house out in those new subdivisions. But, we decided to wait a few more years and just refinance now. We bought our house so cheap compared to what the homes are going for now and looking at one of the new homes that has the space I want means we'd probably almost double our mortgage, which is a very scary thought.

Are you going to commute to the Valley? Honestly, the drive isn't that bad if you have to. I mean, I don't do it daily, but with you being right by the freeway it makes it easier.
I kinda figured thats how it was. Thanks for the info. I dont know if its true but the builder says they are putting in an AMC movie theatre complex and Costco right next to me. Wonder how long until that happens..I have to commute for awhile but my office is at I-10 and warner so its actually closer than my drive is now.
Now that Ive got most of the bugs worked out I can work on my profile. A little about me. My "real job" project mgr. for a computer company. The most boring job on the planet. Most night I work at a friends fabrication shop. All custom stuff, headers, turbo systems. Complete cars and custom bikes. Much more fun. I also race a jet car...
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Welcome to the site and thanks for adding me!!! kiss
Yeah thats me and my jet car. My family has been racing these since 76. I basically grew up doing it. It'll do over 300mph. Its a beast..

[Edited on Dec 20, 2005 9:18PM]

[Edited on Dec 20, 2005 9:20PM]
For the life of me I couldnt figure out how to send people messages. Sittin right in front of my face.. Sorta fixed the pic problem too.
So I just signed up for this and have no idea how it works yet. Whats the deal with my picture, I cant get it to fit right and I've resized it 3 times.....