ug.... i gave some inebriated .. acquiantances a ride home .. around the church and gerrard area...

... i dropped them off, and, not appreciating my parking, some prostitutes decided to indignantly deliver a swift kick to the front of my car.....

... and it's just never fun when that happens

Ug... sometimes I work out and just can't sleep well afterwards.

I hate that.

I wake up, and assume I'm just too wired from the workout. The strange thing is, eventually I casually decide to munch on something, then devour 2 or 3 quick meals, and realize I was just damn hungry!
(Ravenous would be a better word.)

I'm definately going to have to learn...
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Nice to see you again, good sir, and I hope that you had a good time! smile
... oh god... it hits 2:30 am ... 3 am ... 3:30 .... and i figure i only have 6 hours to sleep.
Then I realize i'm working the 7 am shift today. Which means...... ummm... no sleep.

It's weird how you notice the strange things about sleep deprivation. Like..... i went to gently break an egg as i always do, and smashed it to...
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...will we be seeing you at Gala this year?
Haha, no. Just wanted to see if you were going to be there. biggrin
I'm still a little bitter about U.S. customs.

Apparently they were having a bad day so they decided to not allow me the grand privilege of visiting their country, and charged me some ridiculous fines.

.... on the bright side, after weeks of effort, I finally got my earring in properly!

And a good friend is visiting from the UK.

Perhaps we'll even do some...
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Happy Holidays! smile
Happy New Year!
I'm going to Chicago this weekend! .. should be a blast... hope I don't miss too many halloween celebrations.

Though I do hate getting up uber early for airplane flights.

Hopefully there will still be stuff going on Monday and Tuesday so I don't miss out on all the halloween happenings.
.... though some might argue i'm a little too big to trick or treat....
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Have a good trip!
Hope you had a good one, Halloween that is.

I'm unsure of where you could find a tub of wasabi..... Maybe Japan.

And have a great trip!
Clothing shoe was cool. Some really original stuff. And cheap smile ...

Got a new job. Much more legit. Not only do they say they'll pay you --- they actually do!!

Oh and met a really nice, intelligent, ambitious, and down to earth girl... we'll see where that goes.

Pete it would be cool to make your downtown karaoke nights a regular thing (even if just...
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Firstly, you've got to start leaving these sorts of comments in other people's journals. wink

Secondly, it's never been my posse to begin with; I would have to be well known for something like that. I haven't been there of late because I just don't seem to have the time, but I think that SGTO is starting to move away (to a degree) from karaoke.
Moved into a beautiful area. Decided it was worth the extra money.
And then my car gets broken into!
My car stereo gets stolen and... <sob> things are *so* bad I find myself listening to the mp3s on my cell phone when I drive.

3 days later.. someone *else* breaks into my car. They went through everything but guess what -- they couldn't find anything...
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University exams are over.

personal trainer exams are over.

Currently tracking down every possible employer I can find and relentlessly pursuing menial labour.

On the bright side, finally have time to party. I'm in montreal for a few weeks and it's one non-stop party.
That -- and not only is it good to have freetime, and leave one's condo for once, but it's also nice...
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Glad to hear that you will be able to get out and enjoy yourself for a bit.
Hey I met up with peterockwell ..... and saw a guy who looks like, but denies to be, radiofrank at a fetish thingy.

I almost feel like I havn't completely fallen off the face of the earth.

Hope to see you guys again soon !

Have you gotten into the karaoke craziness yet frank?
oh god... been so busy. Got over cold. Went to formal.
Semi-hired for 4 jobs.

These personal trainer refresher courses seem so ... gaa ... boring and redundant. It's all about insurance.
Been running around collecting fitness equipment and other grunt work.

This, and lovely exams coming up too.

No worries.
Wow things have been hectic since the last journal entry.
Flew down to vegas.
Got a new job.
Was sick 2 or 3 times ... this week was really tough.

I decided I was just losing too much time to colds, so I asked some friends in the business and got some really good advice. The few additions to my diet really seem to be...
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Seriously, transmitters would make everything better. My friends have actually told me that I shouldn't be able to own anything that I can't staple to myself.