I don't even know what I'm gonna say. I've been on quite a ride the last few weeks and its all culminated to this last weekend. At least thats how I feel or see it.
Weeks of shaky hit and misses with my ex took an up swing when I bumped into her this weekend. My bandmates other band was playing at the 10High and... Read More
Before I begin I have to tell you, that I was there to see QOTSA. To get to see NIN was a pleasent bonus, even though NIN was the headliner. I bought these tickets 2 1/2 months ago, which is a tad annoying really. what are you gonna do?
We heard there was another band added on and the show was... Read More
I love halloween. This year I am cleverly disguised as Hunter S Thompson. I was awarded best costume by a group that had opted to hold their own private contest at a house party last night. I think the Cig holder really draws on how we view him from the Fear and Loathing flick. I don't know how to post a pic here, but I... Read More
I know its so irrelevant and no one cares, but I just took my longest standing top 5 girl off the list. Shes still hot...as hot as they come, but shes so....fucking...negative that it bums me out to go by her profile. We all have bad days and bad things happen to all of us. I know, its silly as hell to even remark about... Read More
Please check my journal for details! You need to tag at least 3 other people in your journal and then post in their journal that they have been tagged!
Cute. I understand that, I hate reading constant negativity. And for me as well, the girls on my top five are attractive to me in all ways, including personality etc.
Thankyou so much for the well-wishes. But, I have good news... (see my journal)
Fucking fuck fuck you fucks. I live in Atlanta Georgia. We are a major city...make that THE Major city in the southeast. Ive been a member for coming on 3 years.
This last weekend I helped a friend move her stuff into storage. It wasn't just me, but a handful of guy friends like myself. Jeanette has been plagued with health issues that basically come down to her sensitivity to the bad air in Atlanta. She sold her house and is moving, for the moment, to the beach to get her energy and health back.
So much good stuff has gone down in the last 3 or 4 days that I don't know where to start. IF you hang with me here regularly then you know I have had some emotional days recently. Well, I took Thursday and Friday off and went to Tibee Island. Its a small beach just outside of Savahnna. It was a totally spontanious overnight trip... Read More
You would be correct, sir. I am saving ALL of my bar money for the next two months so that Bean and I can go to Portland to see my dad during New Year's.
I got a last minute invite to Tibee Island. Its a beach town just outside of Savannah. They are enjoying post hurricane weather down there..and I coudln't pass it up. DanielK if you see this..I am sooo bringing my camera!!!!
ITs a few minutes after 7 on Friday morning and I'm flipping around my place in the dark, trying to get ready for work. I am close to running late when I go into the fridge with the idea of making some breakfast to eat later on in the morning. (master of the breakfast burrito I am). I look up and its... Read More