I'm a pretty nice guy. I don't complain, too much. I don't ask for a lot and i don't talk shit about other people behind their backs...unless they deserve it!
So in this case...
I get it. Some people are into history. I totally get that! Some may come up with a group devoted TO history. More specifically, Emperor Nero. Which is cool. As i said before, I TOTALLY GET THAT. Not that i want to join the group or anything. I just thought it was an odd choice to devote a group to, so i clicked the link to see what it's all about (cause you know, how many threads about, how many people think he was the antichrist or what they thought he had for breakfast every morning or if he had an itouch/ipod/iphone, what would he listen to, could there be?) Ahhhhh but low and behold, like many groups you must apply. Now, i don't have a problem with any of this, so far. It's the application process that kinda "grinds my gears".
This is the heading for the group:
"The death of Claudius in 54 A.D., secured son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus the place as emperor . Before his death, Claudius, had adopted Lucius, who changed his name to Nero Claudius Caesar.
You must send the group owner a 1,000+ word essay on the life of Emperor Nero for consideration of being a member of this group."
key word, consideration.
1000+ word ESSAY?
So i mean, if you...REEEEALLY wanted to join this group you would have to devote some time, clear your schedule, get some coffee, turn on the Beethoven in the backround, and actually prepare a paper just so he can "consider", your, app, lica, tion.
Who does this guy think he is, fricken James Lipton!?!?!
"Now students, and i use that term loosely, get out your books and turn to page 666...ok good. Now close you books and stand up. GOOD! Now hop. Hop! Like a bunny! HOP! HOP! HOP DAMN YOU I"M JAMES LIPTON! HOP!!!!!"
No thanks brosiv. No offense to you or anything, but, really? REALLY???
Thats all folks!
I'm a pretty nice guy. I don't complain, too much. I don't ask for a lot and i don't talk shit about other people behind their backs...unless they deserve it!
So in this case...
I get it. Some people are into history. I totally get that! Some may come up with a group devoted TO history. More specifically, Emperor Nero. Which is cool. As i said before, I TOTALLY GET THAT. Not that i want to join the group or anything. I just thought it was an odd choice to devote a group to, so i clicked the link to see what it's all about (cause you know, how many threads about, how many people think he was the antichrist or what they thought he had for breakfast every morning or if he had an itouch/ipod/iphone, what would he listen to, could there be?) Ahhhhh but low and behold, like many groups you must apply. Now, i don't have a problem with any of this, so far. It's the application process that kinda "grinds my gears".
This is the heading for the group:
"The death of Claudius in 54 A.D., secured son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus the place as emperor . Before his death, Claudius, had adopted Lucius, who changed his name to Nero Claudius Caesar.
You must send the group owner a 1,000+ word essay on the life of Emperor Nero for consideration of being a member of this group."
key word, consideration.
1000+ word ESSAY?
So i mean, if you...REEEEALLY wanted to join this group you would have to devote some time, clear your schedule, get some coffee, turn on the Beethoven in the backround, and actually prepare a paper just so he can "consider", your, app, lica, tion.
Who does this guy think he is, fricken James Lipton!?!?!
"Now students, and i use that term loosely, get out your books and turn to page 666...ok good. Now close you books and stand up. GOOD! Now hop. Hop! Like a bunny! HOP! HOP! HOP DAMN YOU I"M JAMES LIPTON! HOP!!!!!"
No thanks brosiv. No offense to you or anything, but, really? REALLY???
Thats all folks!