I will be in Guyana for the holidays. Unfortunately no room in my luggage for my 35mm, so digital pics from my snapshot will have to do to save the memories.
Well, its been a few days since I joined the site. I like it so far. Right now I am working in Northern Saskatchewan,and its cold and snowy everyday. Today I just found out I probably won't be home til mid december. Wow, that will be 4 months away from home. The last time I was gone for 2 months and when I got home... Read More
I am really loving the site. I just hope I can meet some cool people out there. Since I am new to this kind of socializing I am going to just watch and see how things work for a while and add a comment ot two along the way. I am usually very outspoken but shy at first. I found the photography group and that is way cool cuase I want to really work on my Photo skills, along with my nunchuck skills.