Count_Slick said:
benizdead said:
it's not a permanent reversal, the guy's been slipping back into the coma state on occasions since saturday
Word. I read that as well. Weren't the other cases similar in that there was one day of dramatic improvement and then considerably less activity thereafter? That's gotta be bittersweet for the families.
Has anyone seen the research indicating that the brain continues to grow and change as it gets used, just as do other muscles? They have done a lot of research with the motor skills section of athletes, and the map/directional lobes of London Cabbies (no really).
Some of the preliminary data offers a great deal of hope to the brain damaged, indicating that...not only can damaged parts of the brain re-map to other, less damaged, areas...but the damaged areas themselves can repair much more effectively than originally thought.
Einsteins brain had a gigantic mathematics center at the time of his death, so the question is...was it his huge brain that made him a genius...or was his brain huge because he used it so much?
A coupla websites...
Decent link:
This ones piss poor, but you get the idea...
Yeah I been trying to market my stuff. Hard to do really because I kinda have to wait for just the right project to come along. Going to make a hardcopy porfolio in the near future and ship it out see if that gets me more bites than the e-folio I had. My style unfortunatly makes classic fantasy art directors think of Anime and Anime artists think of classic fantasy. Which sucks because I never set out to do anything anime style in the first place.
I have had one bite though:
It was a fan art contest but it neted me a new Vid card! Woot! Now if only I could get paid my life would be complete.
As far as the set
PS Where the heck is comic con anyway?
[Edited on May 05, 2005 10:39PM]
I have a friend who is a comic artist, and has done some work for Dark Horse and Marvel subsids. He does a lot of game artwork and such to supplement his income.
His site is at Check it out and tell him that the freak he went to college with sent you. No not Mark, the other freak. No not Morgan either...the freak in California!
ComicCon is in San Diego and I think its about 6 months out. I went for the first time last year (to meet up with Chuck from said hypertexteded link :-) . It was definitely a freak fest! Lots of interesting art, lots of costumes, and merriment and lunacy and weirdoes.
You're art would do well, I think. I saw some stuff that was selling hot that was not nearly as good or interesting. I don't know what the policy would be to try and "sell on the side" if you couldn't afford a booth...but I would guarantee some activity in your career if you just made up some business cards with a couple of your pieces on it and passed it around to everyone you saw.
Lots of gaming too! Go play test a new game, make friends with the company folks teaching it...and then give them your card and tell them if they dont hire you, youll tell everyone their game sucked! OK...maybe not the sucked thing part.
Put up a piece in the charity auction as well. Something big, like 30X40. Put it in the charity auction, and people will bid it higher for the good cause. Then you can say I sold this piece for X millions of dollars at the 2005 ComicCon or whatever :-)