Bad fucking day... and before you all roll your eyes thinking another emo post... Hear me out... this is not a moan and groan post... this is a comedy of errors...
Woke up late.... like 20 minutes before i had to be there, So i dash out of the house, forgetting Glasses, Cell-phone, wallet, cash.... remember, i am not a morning person. Wasn't able to buy my morning alotment of liquid crack. I was a little perturbed. So with the help of flogging molly's salty dog on repeat, i am able to make it to work by the s kin of my teeth (and a few red light creeps). My younger Boss lets me know that i have a couple of duties 'we" (as in, I) need to do. Why does target need tarps? and why do they need them pulled out of the closet, folded, rolled up and duct taped nice and tight.... in the middle of the rain?
anyone got a clue?
So he helps out dragging the first of three tarps out then gets called away, said he would be right back.... bull shit... so it takes me a good 45 minutes to cluster fuck those things together and haul them to the back room. Now
My Other boss (of 4) is mad because his cart well is empty... But wait? im in the back room today!
No.... he changed that this morning, im back in carts.... in the rain
But wait, it gets better!
I wont be releived till 6 pm today, Its so busy that I dont even get a break till 4, and i started at 10
3:30 rolls around and the team lifts start, team ussualy means more then one person, but big dum ox that is me, people think i can lift a stainless steel grill all by myself... well i can
but not without ripping YET another pair of khakis (dickies this time
Never eat the Turkey Cobb grinder from target...
literaly turned my stomach inside out, and you know i have a cast iron stomach. Must of been bad bacon or blue cheese, or something.
Lunch break arrives, feeling sick, go out to my car (to grab a new pair of pants down the road @ KG mens warehouse) and it wont start...
fucking moron forgot to put gas in
the aforementioned fucking moron, is me
No cell phone, so i cant call anyone, and no cash, so i cant BUY gas anyway. Extra special thanks to Krissy at TSC for calling my cousin for me (long distance but he is only 10 miles away, go fucking figure)
to make a long story short....
its good to have tommorow off
Peace, Love and bad Karma
Hey, at least i won the two man cart race down the middle of housewares
p.p. s
if the above mumble fuck dosent prove i have add, then nothing wi... Hey look a car!
Woke up late.... like 20 minutes before i had to be there, So i dash out of the house, forgetting Glasses, Cell-phone, wallet, cash.... remember, i am not a morning person. Wasn't able to buy my morning alotment of liquid crack. I was a little perturbed. So with the help of flogging molly's salty dog on repeat, i am able to make it to work by the s kin of my teeth (and a few red light creeps). My younger Boss lets me know that i have a couple of duties 'we" (as in, I) need to do. Why does target need tarps? and why do they need them pulled out of the closet, folded, rolled up and duct taped nice and tight.... in the middle of the rain?
anyone got a clue?

So he helps out dragging the first of three tarps out then gets called away, said he would be right back.... bull shit... so it takes me a good 45 minutes to cluster fuck those things together and haul them to the back room. Now
My Other boss (of 4) is mad because his cart well is empty... But wait? im in the back room today!

No.... he changed that this morning, im back in carts.... in the rain

But wait, it gets better!

I wont be releived till 6 pm today, Its so busy that I dont even get a break till 4, and i started at 10

3:30 rolls around and the team lifts start, team ussualy means more then one person, but big dum ox that is me, people think i can lift a stainless steel grill all by myself... well i can

Never eat the Turkey Cobb grinder from target...

Lunch break arrives, feeling sick, go out to my car (to grab a new pair of pants down the road @ KG mens warehouse) and it wont start...
fucking moron forgot to put gas in

the aforementioned fucking moron, is me

to make a long story short....
its good to have tommorow off

Peace, Love and bad Karma
Hey, at least i won the two man cart race down the middle of housewares
p.p. s
if the above mumble fuck dosent prove i have add, then nothing wi... Hey look a car!
*pat, pat, pat* Roar! WelnTaod smash Target! Smash food court grinder, smash!
Crush absence of gas in Buddha's tank! Squish!!! Uh...yeah.

Yeah us klutzs need to watch out for each other!!