- on buddha's page
friday morning, and I'm still in bed
dont have to go to work for another two hours or so, it feels good to just relax in the morning... I have never been the type to just wake up, shower and head to work, my body dosent function that way at all, i Need to slowly get going or I wont be worth a damn at...
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dont have to go to work for another two hours or so, it feels good to just relax in the morning... I have never been the type to just wake up, shower and head to work, my body dosent function that way at all, i Need to slowly get going or I wont be worth a damn at...
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a double dose of online drama in one day....
and apparently i am an asshole... both from the MSG and the sgct....
I've said my peace to those i needed too, and to the others........

and apparently i am an asshole... both from the MSG and the sgct....
I've said my peace to those i needed too, and to the others........

I will get to the poetry section of this particular journal very shortly. Infact... here it is
"But then they danced down the street like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be...
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"But then they danced down the street like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be...
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Eee! Good piece to post!
Hope your well, my friend and I made sure to throw my hat in on Lake Compounce.

is it september yet?
is it september yet?
think i am going through withdrawls from all of my medication. My medical insurance dried up the morning i turned 25 and i have yet to qualify at my new job for it....

oh my GOD - i just heard that song yesterday! seriously, because i am such a dork, i have a whole pole routine choreographed to that ... like, amateur strip night at a redneck bar or something. perhaps in arkansas.
so sorry to hear about the meds, my dear. anything to help? perhaps there is another way to aquire them.
oh, and the love story of B et H must continue. and i must watch. strictly voyeuristic, really.

so sorry to hear about the meds, my dear. anything to help? perhaps there is another way to aquire them.
oh, and the love story of B et H must continue. and i must watch. strictly voyeuristic, really.

september 24th the new john waters movie comes out... will we actually have time to da anything but cuddle and watch movies ? 

Next weeked we are gonna be sitting down with the couple to negotiate the price, they really love it... this is happening pretty fast... they hope to close before october......
Everyone has been asking me, where are you gonna go? where are you gonna live? ... to be honest my answer has been the same... I have NO fucking clue! and you know what, i...
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Everyone has been asking me, where are you gonna go? where are you gonna live? ... to be honest my answer has been the same... I have NO fucking clue! and you know what, i...
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I LOST MY VIRGINITY: Good news thou, i got it back
what was the return policy on that one?
do you have to have the reciept?
is it standard target policy?
and knowing you you prolly did lose it, as in you forgot where you put it
swiss cheese any one?
what was the return policy on that one?
do you have to have the reciept?
is it standard target policy?
and knowing you you prolly did lose it, as in you forgot where you put it

swiss cheese any one?
Heh, i am selling my house as well, moving in with this nice group of people i met at the airport. They were all "peace be with you brother" and selling flowers, and teaching me the path to righteousness. They are sorta like a motorcycle gang i am figuring because the groups name was like the Hairy Christians or sumptin like that.
Just kidding, i am selling the abode though, sad but true.
Let me know if you need anything bro, and for gods sake, dont forget your little collection of SG goodies when you sell.
Peace my man,
Just kidding, i am selling the abode though, sad but true.
Let me know if you need anything bro, and for gods sake, dont forget your little collection of SG goodies when you sell.

Peace my man,

everyone cross your fingers and wish me luck... I have a Young Couple comming to look at my place Tommorow!
Please let them be suckers / desperate
thats pretty much all i have to say right now.... that and i miss forest fires
Peace, love and Dont mind the hole in the ceiling
what Mouse?
edited to add.
is it wrong that I...
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Please let them be suckers / desperate

thats pretty much all i have to say right now.... that and i miss forest fires
Peace, love and Dont mind the hole in the ceiling
what Mouse?
edited to add.
is it wrong that I...
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How did the house showing go? I'm sure your house is nice and will have no problem selling. My mom is a realtor and the people she sells houses to amazes me. These people buy these dinky little shacks and think its the Playboy Mansion. Damn suckers.

oh, i hope they loved it!! and mice are cute - convince them.
also, you know that #? resend, puleeze?
also, you know that #? resend, puleeze?

I've been reading alot of Henry Rollins the last two days.. it has made me very depressed yet has give me the will power to take on the world and then some...
Peace, Love and solipsism
Its my world....
Edited because it IS poetry day after all
Henry Rollins
Hot Animal Machine
Looking at the bottom, what do I see
I see the bottom...
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Peace, Love and solipsism
Its my world....
Edited because it IS poetry day after all
Henry Rollins
Hot Animal Machine
Looking at the bottom, what do I see
I see the bottom...
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sleeping or not i still find your behavior unacceptable.
kiss you ass? with pleasure 

Two jars of Classico Pasta Sauce
Two lbs of Penne Pasta
One Lb of Hot Sausage
Thirty little meatballs
small handfull of mushrooms
One bottle of Wine
Loaf of french bread
One Jar of Sundried Tomatoes
lots' o' crushed garlic
who wants to kiss the cook?
Peace, Love and the kitchens on fire
Eating the way men are supposed to eat
I also got...
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Two lbs of Penne Pasta
One Lb of Hot Sausage
Thirty little meatballs
small handfull of mushrooms
One bottle of Wine
Loaf of french bread
One Jar of Sundried Tomatoes
lots' o' crushed garlic
who wants to kiss the cook?
Peace, Love and the kitchens on fire
Eating the way men are supposed to eat
I also got...
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i amended above statement, because i was only teasing. you are not weak, my dear!! must take care of the buddha however necessary. you will need your strenght in pdx.

I got drunk legs when I had warm sake, it was great.

Well it's official
My house is on the market
Come on, who wants to buy it!
Price this cheap its a steal!
i'll throw in the roomate and Tv
i am so close to actually having control of my life right now that is scares the shit out of me, but in a good way......
all i need is to find a place for...
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My house is on the market

Come on, who wants to buy it!
Price this cheap its a steal!
i'll throw in the roomate and Tv

i am so close to actually having control of my life right now that is scares the shit out of me, but in a good way......
all i need is to find a place for...
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PDX? What's that?
I'm glad to hear you are doing well.
I hope to be able to report some wellness on my end very soon.
I'm glad to hear you are doing well.
I hope to be able to report some wellness on my end very soon.

hey there yeah fire works are definetely better when it's a big show. I'm feeling alot better but I won't make it to karaoke night no transportation cars in the shop I swear I'll make it to something though.

happy 4th of July!
Worked the early morning, passed out then went swimming, eating and fire cracker igniting over at my aunts / mothers house. Good times.
Peace, love and short entry
more easy openings for jokes comming up
Worked the early morning, passed out then went swimming, eating and fire cracker igniting over at my aunts / mothers house. Good times.
Peace, love and short entry
more easy openings for jokes comming up
mmmmmm easy openings... short entries and jokes coming up... it's not very nice of you to call tobu a joke though..
so did you eat and ignite the fire crackers? cause that i fear might be bad for your precious tummy... like pooh says..
there's a rumbly in my tumbly
so did you eat and ignite the fire crackers? cause that i fear might be bad for your precious tummy... like pooh says..
there's a rumbly in my tumbly
*poke in arm* Hope you had a fantastic holiday, sir! I had a blast on Friday and I hope to repeat! As the day gets closer, I'll be sure to give my vote.

Fuck it,
I love all of you
Peace Sells, Love and Whos Buying?
taking a nose dive off of the wagon
I love all of you
Peace Sells, Love and Whos Buying?
taking a nose dive off of the wagon
awww. how sweet. 

Off the wagon and loving it!!!!!!! Woooooohoooooo!!!!
Just one fix one fix one fix one fix.....

Off the wagon and loving it!!!!!!! Woooooohoooooo!!!!
Just one fix one fix one fix one fix.....
the fat man got a raise today!
its not much, but you know what.... i am not complaing (much.. or out loud for that matter). Also the highers ups put thier foot down.. no more buddha the incredibly flexible yo-yo boy. I will be working in the back room full time (like i was hired to do!)
So yeah, i got promoted up to do...
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its not much, but you know what.... i am not complaing (much.. or out loud for that matter). Also the highers ups put thier foot down.. no more buddha the incredibly flexible yo-yo boy. I will be working in the back room full time (like i was hired to do!)
So yeah, i got promoted up to do...
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damnit. ill get you next time.
i don't even want to know what you two are comparing.. all i know is he looksbetter in drag....
and yay for payday et days off.
now, shall i presume that there must be a weaving of superlatives in the near future? hmmmm.
and on that EB white note... i made unagisan promise not to name his littel one charlotte, as his surname is webb....
i was looking out for her
hope you are enjoying work, and have fun on your two days off, i am sure you deserve them!