i'm finally off of my ship for a few months.......i just worked three months straight ....the only good part is that i now have 9 weeks of paid vacation in front of me.....my whole body is sore after the last trip out to dutch harbor and back....we got the shit kicked out of us for five days straight i start work on building my new house this week ...finally....seems like this has been taking forever.......i guess that's just cause i been workin' too much... $$$$$$$$$ ........feels like blood money ...but a boy's gotta do....etc etc.......this is my first shot at the net for over a month.......beeing stuck out in the gulf of alaska has it's drawbacks....but the positive side is that i get to pretendthe rest of the world doesn't exist for a few weeks at a time........well more tomorrow............
hope you're havin fun.